No regrets, normal people don't get that defensive or have the need to lie so often. Responding to your other thing, pro choice for everything but taxes I go back and forth on I'm not 100% convinced on which view is the right one to have.
Yes !your a racist inbred fascist opinionated know nothing . I’m sure there’s plenty more but I’ve lost Count
Absolutely no one on this entire thread has pledged any allegiance to any movement. We’re British, and in our country there is no ‘Antifa’ movement, either made up by some right wing propagandists or ‘real’. ‘We’ are just ordinary men and women who mostly oppose fascism. I’m guessing most of us oppose the dangerous far left too. Though as before, there’s not much real danger here from the left, but the far right have a lot of influence on our actual government. That said, I’ve no idea why I’m typing this, because the last time I posted that I had no allegiance whatsoever to the minority of nut jobs in the US carrying out crimes, your response was to call me a cop killer. it’s back to the good old days of casual tyke and an alternative world view that bears no resemblance to reality.
But whatever view you take will be the right one and everyone else’s view no matter how popular will be wrong snd they’ll all be inbreds and fascists .
But I know first hand what they are like in America and they are condemned by even my most liberal of friends. The fact that they're not as big in the UK is kind of irrelevant. I've been attacked by all of you for what's going on in the United States. Even when I post evidence they still get defended.
Just for giggles, I did a quick search to see how many deaths there have been attributed to Antifa in the US, it's zero. Very dangerous. 329 killed through right wing attacks. Report is a year old so maybe Antifa went on a brutal killing spree in the last few months? Apologies if this has already been posted in this thread, but reading through it is testing my will to live.
Anything is popular when there's no diversity of thought. This is a Barnsley forum. If we had the same discussion in my Utah Football (American) forum I'd have more people on my side probably, that's just how it is. Your opinion isn't that popular, didn't labour do pretty badly in your elections? lol.
And that's relevant because??? I'm not a Trump supporter or proud boy, it's clearly just your go to response because you have absolutely nothing. This is why you lose.
Yeah everybody loses Tomaiba wins , no contest even though the irony levels from his posts are off the scale . Tomaiba says so it is thus . Remind me how many Antifa have been mass shooting the public again ? Or tried to hold the country to rabsom by storming the White House ? Oh I forgot they burned a flag hang the ******** .
Are you saying Labour didn't lose now? Wasn't a win for me, I ain't no Boris Johnson/Conservative fan but definitely a loss for you. Also not a Trump fan or fan of storming the white house but keep going and mentioning things that have nothing to do with anything it's been so cool when you did it the first 20 times. Also plenty of cops have been shot by Antifa supporters but if I mention it you think it means I like Trump so.
I’ve been confused a lot by you but now I’m totally bemused , I have not got one clue what the fek this post is about . Time to end
But then you have also posted that everyone who’s responded to you is literally a fascist - because we are opposed to fascism. And in response to me pointing out we I wasn’t aligned to any US ‘organisation’ you called me a cop killer. So forgive us a little confusion as you seem to be so entrenched in a fantasy world it’s difficult to imagine you having any grasp on reality.
I’ll type slowly as it’s apparent you don’t read fast. EVERYONE else in this thread isn’t in the US! We are not aligned to or connected with anything that has happened in the US, whether real or imagined. As I posted 7 pages and nearly as many hours ago… you’re making the mistake of conflating some friendly, broadly left nice blokes (and women) with an ‘organisation’ thousands of miles away.
Doesn’t Fascist, Racist,inbred , Unintelligent float your boat enough ? You want us to be bullies as well