That's exactly who I thought it was, coincidentally I was only reading about the new better from you about a week ago
This will be a massive saving for the companies that go down the working from home route. But the closure of offices will have a massive impact on local councils budgets. Maybe all these offices will be converted or knocked down to provide housing. I don’t know, but one thing I’m sure of is. Is a lot of for sale/lease signs will be going up. The building of new office space. will die overnight, Then there is the knock on effect. Of businesses not getting those workers through their doors when on breaks.
I work for a professional services firm, and we’re one of the country’s largest graduate recruiters. There was a recent survey done and over 80% of 1,000+ respondents saw themselves coming into the office 2 days a week or fewer. I myself would only prefer to go in when there is a particular need, or perhaps 1 day a week to show my face. The concern from leadership is the training of new graduates, which is far less effective in a home working model. I think it’s a challenge that no one has yet to come up with an effective solution, and this it may lead to a certain number of mandatory office based days for all staff.
I said right at the beginning of this, there’ll be a massive move into our town and city centres of people. Which can only be a good thing, our towns at their best were places that people lived, worked and played. In the latter half of the 20th century they were taken over by retail which made everywhere look exactly the same. Hopefully this’ll see the resurgence of the town centre as a more vibrant space.
Just read a headline that 1/4 of all school pupils have attended school where air quality has been below WHO guidelines. Surely reducing commutes will make a positive difference to the air quality in the country.
It will but the training aspect is easily the biggest hurdle to overcome. When I first started I was surrounded by experienced engineers and it was easy to learn from them. even up to a few years ago there were other colleagues next to me so we could easily discuss a problems Now I am on my own, yes I can chat over the phone or online but its not the same. either if I am stuck or helping someone who has a problem, For new engineers it must be much harder
When I initially read the thread title, I thought it was going to be a case study about a microbrewery trailing brewing from home!
Well we've all being offered hybrid working with my government department. Obviously for 100% front line staff this won't apply. This is the way to go in my opinion, it allows me to work flexibly and without distractions for 50% of my week. I work during the night or very early in the morning both at home or in the office. This arrangement will work great for all parties.