I’ve just done a dipstick (my FB ‘friends’) and amongst those about 5% have been a bit racist on FB. Bear in mind if it was more than a bit racist I’d have I friended them (so from a list of my FB friends 5 years ago you could easily double that figure. Add to that an unknowable number of friend suggestions that are definitely the kind of people I avoid nowadays. And as I come from a predominantly white working class area, only about 5% of my ‘friends’ aren’t white. As has been discussed here before; racism in the 90’s and 00’s was on the decline, but the mainstream media wanting to be ‘balanced’ has really seen a significant rise.
so did I - two actually (not at the same time {sadly}) - one was called Myfanwy {honest} - it all came to a sad end - found comfort up on the moors with my welly boots and velcro gloves ............
Like Gegenpresser says, I agree personal experiences matter because it's how we act in real life that makes a difference one way or another. On the other hand, it's too simplistic to say "I'm not racist, some of my friends are black". Exaggerated metaphor for effect: I love my dog, but I would never put it on equal footing as my wife or kids. It's possible to like someone while also allowing a subconscious prejudice to remain. Thankfully the overt race-hate of the 70s/80s that Gravy referred to is far less prevalent now (though not entirely gone), and that tempts some to say that racism isn't really a thing any more. It's still there though, the real haters haven't stopped hating, there's just fewer of them and they're less open about it. I think a remaining problem though is that I'd be sceptical of anyone who says they don't have any form of prejudice - it's deep in our nature to prefer people who are 'more like us', what's important is that we are aware of that and keep it in check. It's easy to be unconsciously or passively prejudiced even if you're not in the hate brigade.
The situation is a little more nuanced than just "Black vs White", you have (just on here) posted rhetoric against travelers, Roma, Slovaks - who are all white. Worldwide, you have Modi stoking Hindu v Muslims in India, Chinese oppression of Muslims. I've seen posts today of threatening letters sent to a white European (I think Romanian) in York telling them to "Go home". You've got newspapers and TV shows slagging off those who claim benefits. All of this is divide and conquer. It doesn't matter if you are Christian, Muslims, Hindu or Atheist. It doesn't matter if you are White, Black, Mixed or have Blue skin. Many of the problems in this and other countries come from fear. The newspaper owners, media barons and the rich fear what would happen if we realised that they are the problem and work together to make the world a better place. So they use that fear to set us against each other - and far too often it works.
lets cut to the chase - and leave Brexit and Tories out of it! 85% of Black people feel the police discriminate against them - 60% feel the NHS discriminates against them - 60% feel discriminated against in the work place. We either say they've got it wrong or we accept that a lot of Black people are experiencing racism/discrimination in their everyday lives. Then we have to ask ourselves is this something we should do something about or do we ignore it. (Condemning the boo-boys at football matches and supporting 'Taking the Knee' is a small part of what is a very big problem.) I would like to see jobs being ring-fenced for groups who are under represented in the work place/management. We should raise the issue re. police with our elected representatives.
mmm seems you’ve closed your mind to the actual suffering or just ignoring it and basing all prejudice on your experience with two mates . If you think there’s no prejudice or discrimination then you are part of the problem . Or is people especially footballers lying or exaggerating . I’ve got an ethnic minority mate and he says there’s no discrimination Yeah right jog on you’ve just posted four paragraphs of ***** .
He doesn't claim racism doesn't exist. It's not a theme in his post in any way. He gives an account of his life and how it does not match with those who vocally claim not to be racist and attempt to police all discussions, pointing fingers in all directions.
if you dont give someone a job because of the colour of their skin is that not racist? so if you give a black person a job to fill a quota is that not racist ? ( and on a personal note i would say very belittling in a pat on the head kind of way)
he’s making assumptions that people genuinely putting an opinion are not what they seem That all opinions on racism are questionable :
Evertyime there was a terrorist attack, evertyime there was an election, around the time of the referendum I gradually had to block and unfriend people from Facebook until it got to the point where I just though 'fucck it' and deleted it. The only friends I had left on there were mates I saw regularly anyway or like-minded family!
Not sure tbh he obviously takes issues that people have opinions which is fair enough to challenge but then to make assumptions that they may not be genuine . I’ve not seen anyone policing anything tbh unless you mean by challenging .
Interesting how people’s racial attitudes can change when they feel they have gained some moral capital though isn’t it ? https://news.stanford.edu/news/2009/march4/obama-moral-credentials-favor-whites-030409.html Those who could not express their support before making a hiring decision tended to play it safe by saying the job would be equally suited for either whites or blacks. But those who were allowed to pick up moral credentials by showing they endorsed Obama were more likely to say the white officer was a significantly better choice for the job
It seems odd him posting a Corbyn photo in relation to snouts in troughs when his beloved Tory ministers have made millions for their families and friends whilst having very little empathy or concern about the people they are supposed to serve .
It’s not as odd as you think, if you look at the history of his postings. He often feks off never to been seen for a while when challenged about his posts.
I will say I think 99% is exceedingly generous. 99% might think they’re against racism, but many ultimately resist any efforts to tackle it because subconsciously they enjoy their privilege.
You know when you open the wrong thread by accident? I’m thinking bloody hell ‘England car flags’ took an unexpected turn!