"Normally I would just tell people I’m exempt and it had never posed any issues before." KNOB and a LIAR to suit his excuses it seems.
I don't like this behaviour at all. We really shouldn't be encouraging it Before we know it the world will be full of little secret agents filming folk for the smallest things
Thats different. There's security cameras then there's a busy body using their phone to film a stranger
Its the job of a security guard to look at CCTV. Anyone who films tiny little naughty things and sends it to police are the real, as quoted on here 'nob'
Its the role of the police to survey footage where a crime has been committed. If there was no crime, there would be no prosecution. Pretty straightforward really.
Tiny little naughty things? Is that really how you describe law breaking? This country is full of all manner of knobs, who commit all manner of crimes, large and small, largely because they believe they can do as they please with no comeback. We should be supporting people who have the wherewithal to help catch them, not singling them out as some kind of grubby, interfering busy bodies. Stick to the law. Why is it so difficult to grasp?
Guess I should be locked up. I've snuck booze on a coach, jumped off a train one stop early to avoid paying the conductor and not put a bit of cloth on my face to go to the toilet at the gym. Hardened criminal arent we all
So if you someone mugged you, burgled your home, vandalised your property or committed a crime against you.... you'd hope nobody came forward with evidence?
You equate sneaking ale onto a coach, with openly flouting laws to stop the spread of a global pandemic? He's a dick. Openly admits lying about being exempt. Openly trying to persuade other people to remove their masks. Deliberately breaking social distancing and sitting next to people. Openly says he thinks the whole thing is a hoax. Absolute pri<k. Fk him. https://www.straitstimes.com/singap...arrested-for-allegedly-flouting-covid-19-safe
You're wasting your time DW. I'm not sure if this guy is a newly minted twit or an old one back under a new name. Either way it's like flippin whackamole.