Well I emigrated for life reasons not because I was desperate to get out of the UK. I'm still British and care very much what becomes of my own country. I don't want to start an argument so I won't but you can't be historically selective about the Liberals, they've gone into coalition with both the main parties in the hope of getting some of their policies through, maybe naively so. They aren't Tories though. i know little of Israeli domestic politics but Netanyahu seems to have been an absolute nightmare. To get rid of him they've done what it takes, formed a coalition from all corners and forced him out. If people want to see the back of Boris they need to do what it takes even if they don't like the taste.
Following on from my previous essay in another thread, this is common but unfortunately flawed logic if 'what it takes' is voting in a 'moderate' or 'centrist' to get the Tories out. This is exactly what the system wants you to do. Tories get away with murder in their terms of government, and all the blowback is misdirected into temporarily electing another capitalist party, while capitalism itself continues unopposed. This is how capital is defended and the status quo that benefits the elite is retained. Genuine leftism is the way forward, rather than centrism. Unfortunately, the left has a long history of eating itself alive every time there's a chance to make progress. Re. the main topic of the thread, whether this is a Tory or Lib Dem seat is basically irrelevent. Both have the same basic economic ideology - the Lib Dems will just throw a few extra crumbs. It'd be a similar case if it was Starmer's Labour. I'm not going to say the Lib Dems are Tories, because they're not, but they are 90% as harmful in the long-term. I'm not trying to preach a single solution, because it's bloody hard. This image is US-based, but it's similar over here.
All very well but it's just not realistic. When was the last genuinely left wing UK government? It's just not realistic to think that's going to suddenly change. The flawed logic is that the electorate is going to do a huge volte face and give a left wing Labour party a working majority. Time after time it doesn't happen.
I don't think we've ever had a genuinely left-wing government. Attlee probably the closest. I agree with you that we're not going to see a left-wing government any time soon as well. But it will come, one day. We're in late stage capitalism now where it is starting to become unsustainable. As younger generations come up with less and less, they're more likely to become and stay left-wing. Couple that with the climate crisis (capitalism being a root cause) and something will simply have to be done sooner or later.
Imo it’ll get like America whereas they’ll be indoctrinated to hate the left backed up with a media propaganda campaign . Anything that threatens the capitalists is hated. Even to the point they deny themselves health policies and anti gun sentiment .
We couldn't abandon the capitalist approach being part of the EU though realistically could we? It's endless thirst for economic growth and wealth. That was more around my point of going our own way and growing now through a green economy. It's far easier when we don't have to get agreement from nearly 30 other countries to pursue such an agenda.
I’m talking about capitalism with a conscience , be it with some socialist ideals such as healthcare for all or welfare etc and Green issues as well as aid in respect of bringing on other county’s economy’s on ,not just food aid when they are starving . Uncontrolled Capitalism which is what Trump etc would like and which he was introducing slow but sure would take us back to the Irish famine culture .
There are many people on here who don't support the Labour Party. Plenty have expressed those views in a coherent and logical manner. But it's the people who support the Conservative Party that many have issues with. They're evil cnts and have no redeeming features, and I'm yet to find any redeeming reason why anyone voted for them.
No because of the reasons I highlighted. Asked you why you can't stand him. Was it his policies. ? I totally get that he wasn't for the middle ground. But that's because of fear of the unknown. All you get is, Who's going to pay for all these changes. A. Those at the top of society that can afford it. Its loose change. Be it personal wealth. Tax evasion. Companies making billions. to do what exactly. Make the investors rich way beyond reasonable. Or Store it away. And just keep building riches sat there doing eff all. I may never see another Corbyn cos people of his ilk scare the voters. But those voters eg. accept austerity when it's not necessary. Mainly middle england cos it'll not hit em hard. The riches are there. but in the hands of the few. Not the many. Do you honestly believe most of those that turned on labour. Was because of Corbyn. Although some made that excuse. It was more about getting Brexit done.
that's as may be true for some Fonzie but there are a lot who plough straight in assuming if you aren't labour you are Tory
The main reason I didn't like him is because I didn't see him as vaguely electable and that would give the Tories a clear run and that as it turned out is as it went
That's a totally different view point from Can't stand him ( that's more akin to hate which is why I was questioning you) . You weren't on your own. On not liking him. My belief is because of the media assassination and the policy of a 2nd referendum on Brexit. Starmer will represent a more central labour. And it'd be a start somewhere if they get in. But until we make the leap to a more leftist party it'll be much more of the same. With those. with the money controlling the country. And the rest picking up the scraps and be grateful for it.
The news is basically.... The Blue, nasty, corrupt, lying Tories lost The Yellow Tories won The Red Tories did crap. Tories still won the election. Very little change.
While the Attlee government had its good points, with hindsight they got up to some pretty reprehensible things by modern standards - imagine the Home Office rounding up and effectively kidnapping Chinese sailors (war heroes no less) from Liverpool and deporting them back to China without even telling their families what had happened to them - leaving kids growing up never knowing their dads, or some of the stuff in India, Kenya and Malaya.
Have to say, I Like the Lib Dem victory press thingy, the smashing of a blue wall with a hammer. Surprised the BBC showed it really
They were interviewing people from down that way on the news last night. Trying to find out why people had turned on the Tories. A lady said, it's because all the money is going to the North even though it's people in the South that pay it all in. So we know how to get this government out of power, make the south think we have all the money. I'm just off out for a spin in my state funded Bentley.
A lot of locals cited as saying the Tories are sending too much money up north and not enough to the south. Don't even know where to begin with that.