Charged with indecent assault on a minor. Whatever the verdict in the coming months, I hope the judge and jury know that Tory MP's don't like the law to be implemented in a legally "purist" manner.
He used to work in international relations and worked for UN / Nato I believe. He's probably got a funny handshake
His excuse will be we were passing around after eights at a diner party ....his friends in power will slap his hand and get him off
Who knows, after the Daniel Morgan report this week I reckon anything is possible. When some writes a report demanding a register is implemented for those types, I can't be seen in a good light.
If I'd wrote that Ian lol I'd have been called all manner of sick names doubt some on here of late would say I was making sick fun at the expense of the victims....saying that there's time for it to happen
Let's not forget that Hampshire police stated that had Mr Heath been alive he'd be having to answer some serious questions. The Chief Super was then promptly removed from post, and he had to hand back his robes and ring..
It would be pointless reporting it to the London Met . Move along nothing to see would be their answer
All absolutely sickening and disgusting. The cover ups are unbelievable. Only reason I can see why the creeps are not outed is the sleaze goes right to the top and that includes royalty.
Yep, like with the Epstein stuff even when court documents in US clearly state assaults happened in UK. They stated it falls under US jurisdiction, yet France are cracking on with the Brunel case in which Prince No Sweat is mentioned again in court documents.
Un this most deplorable crime isn’t politically motivated or limited to representatives of any single party. In fact, it was the conservatives that have done more to tackle this in recent years: inquiry was ordered by Theresa May when she was home secretary, started in 2014 and now focuses on Westminster and allegations against MPs.
Didn't say this was politically motivated, Lord Janner dodged justice along with many other politician's from the 70s and 80s. It also wasn't a good look when that knighted nonse from Leeds hung out with royalty and Maggie.