Come on England, only time I’d ever hear mi father swear. We need to do em, Sod the Euro’s this matters.
I'd prefer a South Britain versus North Britain title - let's celebrate our commonalities - but I like what you've done there plus I agree, you ******* will win
If we lose tonight then we'll have to melt down the goalposts and create a new Ashes like symbol representing our failure. The goal post would be moulded into the shape of a deep fried Mars bar.
Yeah but can you imagine a yearly Brexit Deep Fried Mars Bar challenge cup game. If the blonde idiot hasn't already thought about this or wrote about in the past (whilst also bashing anyone not of pure race and blood) I be extremely surprised.
Saw Big Country at Manchester Apollo in the 80s. Stuart had such energy. Such a shame that he left us too early. Bill Nelson, who worked with him during his Skids era, did a lovely instrumental called "For Stuart" as a tribute.
I honestly thought he suffered depression. Seems to be a lot of contradictions over his death. But all very sad.
If you're looking for some prematch reading then there's a decent article by Tom English on the BBC website link
Quality. Heard of em. Knew nowt about em. Supported Bowie at wembley 1987ish. I bought "In a big country' album. One of my favourites. That following week. Band still going and still Quality according to those I've spoken to. Sadly without SA.
The Crossing is a solid album from start to finish. That said, my favourite Big Country track is East Of Eden, from their second album.