I like his writing but then I'm not entrenched in the trialism of Scottish football. He does write the occasional rubbish but on the whole he's usually balanced which is rare up here.
Ach I just find him obnoxious and totally so self opinionated. He knows everything there is to know about every sport. For me if he is that good why is he not a football manager, rugby manager or golf coach? Just find him so boring.
The one & only time I saw David live. The Glass Spider tour, where he said it was the last time he’d sing the classics. Bullshitter! Charlie Sexton on guitar, if I remember right. & Peter Frampton.
Same Tour mate. Mrs is a big fan of Bowie. So I went along so to speak. Big country were the highlight for me. And as for the Spider. It was more of a damp squib. It was still broad daylight when the concert finished. so spoiled it as a spectacle. Mate saw the Manchester one. And I think I'm right in saying he said . Alison Moyet and Terence trent Derby both stole the show. How come I can remember 541t like that but not what happened last week.
I remember playing five-a-side once when Mick the Librarian was on our side, and I suggested he play in the channel. "What, English Channel?"
Not many of the Scottish team singing the national anthem but then they won't know the words when they are not from there.
I hate the booing of anthems, it’s pathetic and as both teams just boo each other it spoils the grandeur of it.