It appears to me that aswell as a group of clubs Lee is buying that he also shares within this group CEOs Ganaye at Nancy, managers Stendel back with Lee even after the 21 word statement, players Mcgeehan, Thiam i believe are still in Lee s clubs and probably a lot more links that im not aware of. Seems a powerful man who people follow about. I think Dane, Val, Alex may stick about aswell. Have i got this right?
Sorta, it’s not a clique as such, but co existing businesses that have advantageous relationships. As far as I see though, we suffer a small disadvantage by being the top of their sporting pyramid ATM, though of course that could change It gives us an escape route for signings we’ve made that don’t make it, but there’s no ‘better’ club to loan us some of their excess talent. Though, if Danes leaving I wouldn’t be surprised to see GG back.
Me too And getting £2m for Dane and then having GG back would be the best bit of business we’ve ever done (no disrespect to Dane) Also a handy £1m for Alex’s sign on bonus, and a mil spare.
Would be good. A great business model and gives staff, on and off field, a solid root. So when other fans say "teams like Barnsley", what they now mean is Nancy, Oostende...