Only open to ethnic minorities...can you imagine if it was the other way round?
So a company that pays millions of ££s to old white blokes is now being attacked because it wants to give a kid of colour entry into the industry at roughly minimum wage. It’s amazing how simple it is to gaslight sun readers is my takeaway. There’s been a growing problem in the media, whereby junior positions have been going to unpaid ‘interns’. So if Sophie or Tristram, whose Auntie works at the BEEB (or Telegraph or Times) fancy getting into the media, they can afford to work for nothing, they’ve got some knowledge of how it all works and in they get. 5 years later they’ve a settled decent salary junior position. But Darren, Emma or Delroy from Halifax can’t afford to move to London and work for free. So have been closed out. But let’s get wound up because one single opportunity is being offered with a paltry salary that would still make it impossible for most ‘ordinary’ kids to take up.
Fabulous, fantastic and totally accurate response. This applies not just to the creative industries but other professions too. It's not what you know, it's who you know. That's the English way.
Reight .this is a interesting point for discussion in a rational manner...but debate is a two sided interaction and one if the reasons that this ant taken off is that anyone who remotely shows any sympathy towards Sparkys point is about to be labelled a Mail reading Klu Klux Klan cross burning "send em all back" Brexit supporting rancid racist with the intellect of a Sun reader...the reason I am writing this is because an hour ago I started to put a response that the BBC will have a policy that there can be no discrimination on the grounds of Race. Gender. Religious persuasion. etc etc and look to be therefore breaking their own rules.....but I deleted it for the reasons above until I remembered I have testicle and a right to a reasonable opinion...BTW having worked in the world of employing people I do not disagree with Donny Red and have seen this also include Educational standing.....reight tin hat on..
What I find amazing is that I posted a response about the actual state of ‘accessibility’ in the media (which actually cuts across all ‘elite’ jobs). And you’ve read my post as if I attacked the OP! Well I didn’t did I? I’ll clarify the ‘gaslighting’ here. The facts underpinning my post are well know to the Sun journalist who wrote this, Catriona (yes really) knows damn well that no working class Sun readers kid has a cat in hells chance of a job on her team, or at the Beeb, Sky, Lloyds etc etc. But rather than writing an insightful article on why that’s so (which any Sun reader might be interested in). She has instead written a knee jerk piece about one opportunity being offered to a member of the BAME community. Stoking division, creating mistrust of the ‘other’ is par for the course, let’s step back, take a breath and see this for what it is.
Damn, I guess us white folk will have to try and get a job by applying for one of the other 758,000 UK job vacancies.
I wasn't really trying to make a point, I don't give a toss who the BBC employ, but I thought it was a valid point for discussion.
Well rightly so you cannot ask for whites only in an advert so why is it ok to do it the other way around, whatever happened to getting the best candidate for the job
Can’t you? Are you absolutely certain of that? As I have explained in my previous posts, the BBC et-al have a recent history of recruiting ‘free’ candidates, rather than ‘the best’ candidates. This has meant that if you’re rich and have friends/relatives on the inside, you get a chance. If you’re not, you don’t. as DWLC has pointed out, there’s also a huge problem with unconscious bias. So even in huge and diverse organisations you’ll find that ethnic minorities are under represented at senior levels. In a country where 80% of males who are subject of a stop and search but only a tiny proportion of Directors in FTSE 100 companies are black. I think we need realistic discussions about how ‘equal’ might work, I don’t think we’re doing a great job atm.
I don't see the issue, personally. On the face of it, it looks racist and discriminatory, but at the end of the day white people have had such a massive advantage over non-white people for generations(and we have, even if it doesn't feel obvious), that I don't see how people can complain(well, I do. But let's not turn this into another of those threads).
Minority groups are often put off applying for jobs because of the inherent bias that DWL spoke of. As a result, the job market is missing out on a boatload of skills, experience and unique perspectives from those groups.
This is from the Sun, who lost over £200m last year. The only reason this paper still exists is that it allows the owner to influence politics and especially voters in the UK.
As someone who applied and was interviewed for three BBC traineeships I find this extremely concerning. I'm not elite, I spent the first year of my life living at my grandparents as my parents couldn't afford a house. We then moved to a council estate in Darton West. I worked extremely hard to be in a position to get those interviews. Each was in London, each required expensive rail journeys to attend the interview, I was just out of uni and skint, living in a hole of a place and I didn't eat for days at a time that allowed me to pay for the rail fare that was not reimbursed. They're like gold dust BBC traineeships and to read that another avenue is closed to someone like me, a young lad or lass struggling like I was, I can't read anything into this that makes me think it's OK.
To give some kind of context to this, in the year I was looking for work in TV towards the end of my university course and the months after there were a grand total of three of these traineeships come up. Each had thousands of applications. That's not an exaggeration. So for one to be no longer open to a white working class young lad or lass like I was is a massive deal.
You’ve just put forward evidence to support my case, but reached a different conclusion. I’ll put money on the successful candidate for all the jobs you applied for had a ‘link’ into the Beeb already. This one vacancy says to me that the BBC have acknowledged they have a problem and have made the first move to address it. I’d hope that this carries on further and that people like you and my kids and their mates might benefit in future.