And who's to say he won't sanction it because "Ismael is not glamorous enoughfor this club!" We can but hope!
You might be onto something here, he'll cost money and this guy is counting his pennies. Val may have agreed to terms in his contract and budget but the owner may have other ideas. I'm telling ya something smells off about this, why would so many targets fail to agree terms. I'd hate to see Val have the rug pulled from underneath him after signing. Yep he's potentially leaving but he deserves better than that.
Val might have wanted a few of our players, we'd want good money. He'd also need plenty more due to them being threadbare. If he's told he's got to sell his 2 prize assets and then make do on those funds, I'd be having doubts. The keeper and the attacking lad might bring 20- 25 million but to create a squad to get promoted and then use them in the Premier league isn't going to be cheap.
No idea, but supposedly he went behind the clubs back without permission. And Huddersfield then Hearts we’re brought to task. Rules were broken certainly. I’m not aware of any compensation. I don’t think Val has done anything outside what is expected.
I really don't buy this, certainly not to the degree its been repeatedly suggested. The owners have shown they like compensation. It doesn't therefore correlate that they'd sack him and miss out on compensation if they were aware of interest. If there was an illegal approach, given how they've threatened legal action and been vocal on wider issues in the media, how come Huddersfield weren't reported for one? If Stendel breached his contract so badly, how come he's currently employed at one of their other clubs? What's often forgotten is he was repeatedly asking for experience to add to his insanely young squad. And the timing of his departure was after our heaviest defeat. I can completely see Stendel would be miffed as he wasn't being backed, I can see he may be questioning his future and be open to an approach. But that he's the villain in all of this when there are so many things that don't align with that conclusion... I just don't buy it.
No! lots of noise from a certain American gentleman but very little action. For me it was all bluff and bluster to try and cover the boards **** up. The fact DS is back working for them at another club speaks volumes
Who said he's the villain. You are no wiser than I am of what actually went off. Just speculating. I'm just repeating what was happening at the time. The club were by all accounts. in discussions with Huddersfield and with Hearts. About the legalities. Regards the rest that's opinion. I haven't forgot. Neither has anyone else what stendel was asking for. But even that Was paper talk. It was rumoured Huddersfield backed off. After their illegal approach. Lots calling Murray a snake. For informing the board. Conway was in discussions with Hearts over legalities because supposedly Stendel hadn't been released from his contract. And were seeking compensation. I guess the truth lies somewhere in between fact and fiction. Based on how he left the club and the 21 word statement. Which I personally had a go at Dane about at the fan engagement. There was No smoke without fire over that incident.
Seriously.? You may wish to say no. I wish to have a more open mind given what went off. Reports suggested they went to task. Whether they came to a conclusion was never revealed. Way you lot talk at the minute . Nothing went on. My initial post in response to a query. reflected that anyone can go behind backs. Stendel was accused of it. Val has not been accused as yet. Because I believe. until proven differently. The correct procedures have been followed. As for re employing him. (Stendel) It's quite possible what was done in the heat of the moment so to speak. May have been resolved when both parties got together. Misunderstandings etc. But . We'll never know till someone discloses it. Wait for his (Stendels) biography. All will be revealed unless sworn to silence.
Statement at the time. Hope it helps everyone. 1st paragraph about Hearts. On Monday, Barnsley issued their own statement in which they claimed they had been attempting to negotiate settlements for the services of Stendel and coaches Dale Tonge and Chris Stern. They also claimed earlier this season Stendel had "entered into negotiations with a rival Championship club to take over their managerial post". Stendel's own statement did not deny this had occurred and Barnsley say his decision to do so without board approval was "a clear violation of his contract". "This event, coupled with numerous other issues, led to removal of Mr Stendel as head coach," the club said.