Love the enthusiasm and the genuine love and effort from the kid . But it’s been used and disguised for devious and underneathing agendas by their peers unfortunately . Get the kids to write summat and we can promote it for our devious needs (said Boris )
Reminds me of when, at my last company, we had a "kick off" meeting, and the compere organised a company haka. The CEO was so pumped by it she put it on youtube. We used to visit customers, show them the video and say "see what sh.t we have to put up with"
Could I propose a modest adjustment? "We are f***wits and we have no brain! We voted Brexit cause we are insane!"
How dare you be so unpatriotic! 5 years on from that dreadful day, and we have it marked for us by a jingoistic deluded "song" and the news a "speedy review" will be conducted into channel 4 and its future... by the person who has wanted it privatised for 25 years! The government tell us its because its future is in peril.... despite rises in its revenues and expectations it will generate over £1bn of turnover this financial year for the first time in its history. Anyone would think the government have an issue with free press and being held to account!
Yes, I was blocked quicker than Karol Sikora for asking why it was arranged for a date when the kids in Scotland and Northern Ireland are already on their summer holidays, and why they were excluding Northern Ireland as a nation from the "One Britain". Bunch of cancel-culture snowflakes, whose idea of engagement is to block everyone who questions them - instead of just saying "We are sorry, that was an oversight". (apparently it was originally started by an ex-policeman about 10-15 years ago)
Nothing wrong with rule Britannia. The words are somewhat obsolete today but when the song was written it was quite right. The British navy was twice the size of the next two largest navies combined. The ships weren’t very well made but they were expertly manned by Jack tars that could point a gun accurately and fire three rounds in five minutes. Other naval powers didn’t get close to that.
It's a pompous load of ballocks about ruling waves and not being slaves, and a load of old fashioned nonsense about tyrants and flexing muscles. I don't care how many rounds the navy can fire in five minutes, it's not for me.