So basically my 16 year old step daughter who is currently at college and works park time at the local pub collecting and cleaning glasses and taking table orders is paid more.
And therein lies the problem. It's not fine at all, but interns have little choice other than accept the terms because they're desperate to get on to their chosen career ladder. It's exploitation, plain and simple. Many of the companies involved could pay minimum wage, but collectively have chosen not to, in an unofficial closed shop arrangement. "Standard practice" does not mean "correct practice".
they get to work with the legend that is Whitey and that for me is worth more life points than any minimum wage, like getting the chance to learn from Obi-Wan Kenobi of media
And learn how to take vids looking over walls and peeping around every corner in Oakwell and surrounding area... Oh and not to forget... 'The lads have arrived' press release. Int it just the bus driver that deserves a round of applause for getting to an away ground.
but they only get to work 3 hours a week! Surely it takes the great one YT longer than that to impart all his knowledge and wisdom
One of the most satisfying aspects of the job - and life in general - is being able to help others prosper, to teach and give guidance etc. Really happy that we're able to offer three such placements on this occasion. That's three students who will be entering the industry, and not falling by the wayside after a tough 18 months. We've opened it up to a wider audience so as not to limit ourselves to one single university as we've previously done, and, to potentially catch someone who perhaps - during and due to the last 18 months - had given up on their dream. I'm not getting into the unpaid element of debate within the thread, because on the face of it I understand that point of view. But at the same time, I'm involved in this process, have been for five years and I'm more than happy/satisfied/comfortable with it. Our students are well looked after, supported and I'm proud to have played a very small part in helping others reach their goals in the industry. I wish I'd had the same opportunity many moons ago.
Does it come with training related to her degree certain to guarantee her a career in an industry that's difficult to get into?
No, but that shouldn't be relevant to whether you get paid for your time spent working or not. I'm absolutely baffled that anyone might think otherwise.
I suppose this intern business depends whether you look at it as 'work' in the normal sense of the word or if you view it as work experience and a route to getting an edge over other grads going for a very limited number of jobs in an insanely competitive sector.
People are missing the real reason interns aren't paid, it means you aren't employed. So they can basically do what they want to you, sack you, no sick pay, no maternity leave etc. So interns become a free labour force that is in constant supply because 'the industry' made this awful practice so common that students are forced to do it, for 'experience'. Im not sure how giving example of others who've done well justifies not paying someone to do work you would normally pay someone for. I see it as no different to Tesco having people on job seekers (under work scheme) stacking shelves instead of hiring someone on minimum wage.
Most students upon arrival are more than decent already in one particular field, usually their writing/typing. And so it's our job to guide our one intern, to teach them in all facets of the job. So they'll learn how to use the CMS (content management system) which is basically how to use the back-end of the website and other media platforms. I've never known an intern join us with that knowledge already in place. It's basically building/shaping a website's structure, learning how to populate the front-end that viewers will get to see. That goes for VOD (video on demand) also. They'll get to use the official social media accounts, to speak to a huge audience. To type up interviews, match reports, press pieces. They'll be taught the basics of Adobe Photoshop, Premiere Pro, Illustrator and so on. It's impossible to teach them everything Adobe unfortunately, because there isn't a person alive who knows 100% of it, they're such massive tools. I'm hugely competent on all of them, but probably know less than 20% of what there is to learn. They'll build rapport with footballers, with coaching staff and other members of the media industry, particularly if they want to come along to the odd first team games or press conferences. They'll get to use our broadcast camera, to film interviews or games, training, whatever. To then edit that content, ready to upload. We'll show them how to create graphics, be they with no time deadline, or - for instance during games - graphics on the fly. They'll have the opportunity to write content for the match programme, for the website. We give them an opportunity on the mic also, be it leading interviews or perhaps joining Matt on commentary. There's a lot they can get stuck into. But usually that's for our one intern. Which means they're hopefully learning a whole host of skills. But on this occasion, we are looking for people with specifics in mind. So that we can focus on one person each in that desired field. We feel it'd be more useful for them, and we'd be able to give them more. But we'll see. I really enjoy seeing others develop, and I'm proud to see a handful of lads and lasses who once worked alongside us, now thrive in the industry. It's a tough, competitive field, I struggled to ever get a chance and gave up. I only ended up in the industry because I knew someone, when all is said and done. I was lucky. But I wish I'd had a chance such as this, back when I was early 20's.
A very good change based on the 100% success of those involved so far but of course nothin is certain.
Danny Wilson said he wasn't going anywhere...week later he joined Wednesday Dane beginning of June said he was looking forward to the upcoming season looking forward to working with big Val.....and taking bsly forward to the next level and here we are a few weeks later both rumoured to be leaving.... So Mr White you cross you heart and hope to die if you are telling Do you promise not to go....only then can you stay a member of the gentlemen club on What gentlemen club I hear some mean you're not in
Certain? Unless the people who apply for these jobs are bankrolled by mum and dad or have more hours and money at their disposal then you or i to be able to commit.