There's definitely an issue with this sort of thing on a full time basis with regards discriminating against those who havent got the financial support but isnt this something they do in their spare time from their course/part time job to get some experience?
Glad you're staying. No gas in the internal tank though because it's unpaid so they cannot afford petrol for the car they are suppose to run as a requirement.
Providing free work for billionaires is not acceptable whatever the situation. Media in London justifies its unpaid internships in the same way. It’s still wrong.
Is it unpaid 'work' though if it directly contributes to an undergrad completing their degree and gives them an edge in a competitive market place? I'd hazard a guess that a substantial number of students who've done unpaid internships would say they were massively beneficial.
Can’t say I’m a big fan of internships. My last year at the V&A was mostly spent training graduate kids how to do my job. At least there’ll be opportunities for these kids in the media industry..?
Our coach driver always deserves a tip for being able to park at Fleetwood without scratching the vehicle with it being a tight squeeze.
Nobody is saying that the opportunity isn't great or worthwhile. Just that people should be paid for their time and it's massively Tory to suggest that they should somehow be thankful of the opportunity to work for free. The firm I work for runs summer experience schemes for students, which provides them with experience, more often than not results in an offer of a job upon graduation and if not then it is a great point on their CV. During their time in the office they do nothing of actual value for the company, and are probably a net negative in the fact that people take time out of their working day to invent work and supervise them. The placements are so sought after that we could not pay them (or even charge them) and we'd still get many, many more applicants than there are places. But we don't, we pay them because it's the right thing to do. I'd be disgusted if we didn't, and wouldn't dream of defending it.
Quite surprised by the defence of unpaid work. Hey ho. Some people have very flexible principles it seems.
The main point, which people seem to be missing is that an "opportunity" like this only benefits those young people who can afford to work for nothing because of their social status/class and thereby further disadvantages those young people with bags of talent but for whom unpaid work is an unaffordable luxury.
Am sure it's a great opportunity for the students that get the roles, but while they will be given training and experience, there will be outputs to their work that is of value to the club. So they should be paid.
As much as I hate this government, I'm pretty sure internships were a thing while labour was in power too so it's a bit remiss to say it's massively Tory. I would also say with some degree of confidence that Labour (all) MPs use unpaid labour for a whole raft of reasons.
I did say it'd take more than 3 hours a week to impart your knowledge and wisdom. You and the media team do a brilliant job by the way. Keep up the great work