Someone been a very naughty boy!
Says it isn't recent so might be whilst with us? Got to say, wouldn't want to be a footballer, clearly a mate who's sold it to press, if you can't even trust your mates I bet it's a lonely life.
Aye, ya can’t even tek a ***** on someone’s car without someone turning you in. I mean what’s to be done ? Miss the thrill of tekin a ***** on a car, chalk it up as a sacrifice for your career? Lonely FFS. 4 4 with Pottsy doing a number 2 on the bonnet
With Pottsy on the windscreen. I wonder if he did with us. Glad that PNE haven't jumped on the recent bandwagon of punishing someone for what they did before joining them.
Absolutely disgusting. I can't look at Ashley Cole without the image of him being sick all over that woman he slept with when married to Cheryl coming into my mind, and then Ched Evans and now this. Never ever would it have crossed my mind to do this at any age, is it a male thing!?
I'd love to see where I said his actions were good? I took it as granted that I didn't need to say that, but I forgot you have to paint a point for some on here. Although I guarantee you've never done anything whilst drunk that any of us would find bad right? A walking Saint I'm sure.
It’s daft but anyone who’s ever read footballers autobiographies or listened to podcasts won’t be surprised. They’re disgusting creatures. Pissing under tables they’re sat round in beer gardens, shitting on balconies, shitting in clothes, cutting clothes up, putting dead rats in cars, shitting in baths they’re sharing with a team mate.
I'm pretty sure regardless of the state we were ever in, most of us would never have curled one out on a car.
This is why it’s wrong to hold footballers up as role models, I’ve always taught my son not to hero worship anyone but especially not “celebs” and sports people. They’re just flawed human being like the rest of us who, in this case, happen to be good at football. Why anyone should be shocked at this behaviour I don’t know.
Think it’s covered by auto glass in my conditions it said window replacement if there’s a cack on the windscreen,May have been a typo in book though
you don't think it's shocking behaviour, for someone to film himself $hitting and pi$$ing on a car bonnet?