In my opinion, there is a vast difference between a 3 hour a week extra-curricular activity related to your degree and a full time American style internship where you work somewhere for a year full time for nothing. If as a promising footballer you were offered a 3 hour a week trial at Barnsley off the back of which you might gain a full time contract either at Barnsley or elsewhere I don't think everyone would be demanding that trialists are paid for their time. An unpaid internship should benefit the intern more than the employer, and i think in this case based on the feedback of previous interns, it probably does.
As I say, I’m more than comfortable with the process. It’s our department’s responsibility and I’m not disgusted. They will be supported, looked after both personally and financially and I’m looking forward to helping them continue their journey into the industry. I try not to involve myself in many club related threads, but I felt considering this relates to my department, that some insight would be worthwhile. I don’t think I can really add anything further.
I continue to learn things every day. I love learning. To pass any knowledge I might have onto others, is pleasing. And thanks for your kind remarks. We try our best. Some big and exciting plans in the pipeline over the next 12 months.
Are we going to create a new TV show called "Masked Manager" where we get a different person to manage the team each week from behind an elaborate mask and the supporters have to guess who it is managing the team this week based on a audio/visual package of clues, the tactics they employ and the team they select, all of which will hint to their identity?!?!
Whitey has already said there's the opportunity to do more, so I assume that if you're wanting a job you'd be expected to demonstrate enthusiasm and eagerness and it's not just going to be 3 hours. And if it is just 3 hours, it's even more laughable that the club won't pay £20.
I once spent 6 hours on a job interview taking various personality profile tests, answering questions, completing teamwork tasks. There were probably 18 applicants. No one got paid for it.
Luckily both my girls have been paid for job trials and interviews that last more than a couple of hours. says uni.
I'd suggest an internship falls somewhere between a job interview and educational training. Neither of which you get paid for. It's also not a requirement for anyone to do an internship. If I have a love of animals and offer to come to the zoo every day to feed the animals free of charge just to be near the animals, to learn about them and to gain experience with them I woudn't consider myself exploited, merely being given a rare opportunity to be involved in my passion.
In 2018, Jeremy Corbyn reminded all of his MPs not to employ unpaid interns. I think it was 2017 when Labour pledged to abolish zero hour contracts. Just had to check these were socialist views, given socialism is supposedly supported on here by large numbers of people. Maybe the opposite end of champagne socialism is tango socialism.
Clear to see there's two sides to this and pros and cons for either view point in terms of the paid opportunity. Good and healthy debate in the main. But there's definitely a little bit of a theme here that people are getting offended on behalf of the people taking the internships, when the feedback from interns of the past is universally positive about their experience and how it benefited them. In fact, it's great to see them being active on social media and so positive about our club.
I do remember this to be honest now you've said it, but was it ever enforced? I would imagine, especially around election times that interns would still be heavily used?
I couldn't tell you to be honest, I recalled he said it as a few MPs had them and it jarred with the policies he was pushing which were more pro worker and less pro business.
I once posted a load of leaflets for Ken Capstick and the Socialist Labour Party. They never paid me either.
On principle I think work should be paid for irrespective of the purported benefits. Do you? It's a slippery slope to do otherwise. Also I posted the below comment earlier in the thread but reposting here as I didn't want my views/point to be misrepresented. Nothing about being offended on anyone's behalf. The main point, which people seem to be missing is that an "opportunity" like this only benefits those young people who can afford to work for nothing because of their social status/class and thereby further disadvantages those young people with bags of talent but for whom unpaid work is an unaffordable luxury.
but you would be doing a job that otherwise someone else would be paid to do. I totally agree that there are rare opportunities to work on n some environments but if you're taking photographs or writing match reports you should be paid. A bit different if I asked to come in to shadow Whitey for a couple of days to learn what the job involved.