our travel industry on its knees and we allowing this to happen
it's taking the pi$$. was the same with us though in Portugal for the champions league final. 1000s of British football fans basically given free reign in Lisbon, while the local communities have been under restrictions.
It makes my blood boil. F u c k them and move it to Hungary. 2500....... hangers on and VIPs. We''ll not get to final anyway. If Boris and his team lets this happen there'll be some palms greased and Brown paper bags filled.
Me too. Apparently enough don't to consistently hand them a majority though, then they get angry when you call them gullible idiots or claim there wasn't an alternative.
i said the other day, i'd sooner quit the tournament now and never play it again, there needs to be a revolt by other MP's and get this blocked, **** the sponsors
Lockdowns done. Anyone still supporting any form of measures after this is suffering Stockholm syndrome.
Can anyone honestly say they're surprised at the hypocrisy though? Thing is, the (slight majority of) the voting public wanted Brexit above all else, so they were prepared to put up with this self-serving shower.
I prefer Skys headline Government changes rules to allow visiting officials and VIP fans to attend latter stages of Euro 2020 at Wembley Im shocked that Johnson would sacrifice the health of the nation over a vanity project oh hang on I must have the gift of clairvoyance
They need to start supporting the travel industry open holidays up and stop all form of restrictions over half the nation vaccinated and we can do less than we could last summer
A final. With a large crowd. Of a tournament with global appeal. Competing against countries within the EU. Where a trophy is handed over. Which England could still reach. I'm truly shocked a sociopathic narcissistic populist would pivot to allow elites to do as they please in such an instance!
If you're amazed at that take look at this If this if half true then we've reached the stage where we actually ARE Germany in the 30s
If it's not true, it's a heck of a trolling effort from the government. Not only that, but today they announced the start of privatising channel 4. We've started the process of redrawing electoral boundaries which so happens to favour the tories), we've had a report that white privilege just isn't a thing and a bill is progressing which makes it illegal to protest, even single person protests. Over a hundred thousand Europeans are days from deportation. There is much much more, but the authoritarianism of this state is shocking, under the banner of populism and pretending to be on the side of everyone.
It is true, but isn't officially government backed. It does have the support of certain Tory politicians from the Keighley/Bradford area though - and Williamson apparently expressed support in Parliament.
I was about to say, I thought Williamson had endorsed it, which is how it first entered the wider public domain
I bet the Government would go for this slogan - One People, One Empire, One Leader. Even sounds good in other languages - Ein Volk, Ein Reich, Ein Fuhrer What’s not to like?
Doesn't the fact that Northern Ireland isn't in Britain slightly scupper the message they're trying to send?