On my anecdotal evidence, my daughter got seen by her gp the same day after she was triaged by phone and had a hospital appointment the week after. My GPs receptionists were really helpful with sorting me out with a repeat prescription during the first lockdown , and the gp phoned me.
To add to this, and I really should copy in the narcissist who can't see beyond his own condition and calls me a conspiracy theorist, I had to stop my friend walking out in front of traffic today. I pick him up and take him home every day. After a day that makes Brazil look like a utopian society we've got him an appointment for blood tests on 12th July at 4:00pm. Good grief. So my wage, this month, the entire month and more, is taking him to a private hospital. But hey, me and the likes of @Tyketical Masterstroke only care about going to the pub.
Really tragic stuff. But We WaNT ThE rESTriCtiOnS to EnD BecAuSE wE aRE BorEd. Genuinely mate, I don’t know you, but if you need someone to just vent to or shout at or anything, just drop me a PM.
I'll take it that was aimed at me? You were basically suggesting everyone at your company who had the vaccine went from well to Ill people, then back pedalled and only talked about one person. That person could literally be ill from anything but you've decided it's from the vaccine? Sure sounds like an anti vaccine conspiracy theorist to me. Combine that with your many many posts about against lockdown and it's clear where you stand. I firmly believe you and quite a few others on here would have pressed a button, if given the option, for 1 million people to die instead of the actual number, and have no lockdown so you could go to matches and the pub as you see fit. Frankly reading your posts, id suggest it's you who is a narcissist, because I and many others on here argue for lockdowns and other conditions that inconvenience us, because we see the benefits to others.
Nonsense from start to finish. Absolute nonsense. I'll quote myself "he's amongst a number of colleagues feeling the same effects". And from this you've suggested I was claiming everyone at my company? Again, you're a liar and narcissist. This is what narcissists do, they gaslight people into taking their point of view forward, by lying. You're a fc*king a liar. I'm looking after my friend, you're on an internet forum attempting to make this not real. And your second paragraph, with no even pretence of backup with facts, just made up rubbish, you're a liar and a fc*king a narcissist, attempting to gaslight people into believing your lies. You are without worth.
You say a lot of words which it is clear you do not know the meaning of. So I'll give you one you probably do, Bully, that is what you are. And my experiences in person with you (oh yes I know who you are) match that too. You bully quite a few people on here, slinging insults once things don't go you way, you call other narcissist to cover the fact you, yourself are one. If someone doesn't agree with your opinion you instantly turn it insults. I've noticed you've got quite a little list of people you attack the second you see their names. Clearly attempting to bully them into posting. Which considering your age I find highly amusing that you act like a teenager online. I suspect you wouldn't be so confident in person with your opinions. So you get your wish, I won't be posting again. Im going to change my email address and password to something random so I can't get on again. You and some others on here have massively disenfranchised me from this club and dropped my liking for this club and this town over time and I'm finally done. Thankfully I'm already moving away to the outskirts so that takes care of the second part. Enjoy being a bully until you finally leave this planet, I'm sure when you look back on all those you have made leave this forum, this club etc you will feel a deep sense of worth, and not regret. As for your colleague, I hope he recovers from his illness which I suspect has nothing to do with the vaccine that half the country+ has now taken with barely any symptoms.
As Paul Walker said, it's happening again...... https://www.yorkshirepost.co.uk/new...-crisis-is-nhs-alarm-call-jayne-dowle-3456322 The hospital needs a great deal of help because there should never be a time they tell people that.
Well there's not much evidence in Jayne Dowle's article is there? All A & E departments are busy by their nature. It seems basic common sense for people not to go there unless they have a genuine medical emergency. Sadly, there are many instances of people lacking that common sense, which makes the departments even busier.
What an absolute shocker of an article. Fancy hearing “We ask anyone who is feeling unwell or is injured but is not facing a medical emergency to consider other options,” “When you think you need A&E for something that may not be urgent or an emergency, go to 111 online first - they help you right away and, if needed, a healthcare professional will call you." and thinking you are being hard done to. She says that advice is "Not a great deal of help if you fall off a ladder or your child suddenly has a seizure." and she's right. But are neither of those things urgent of an emergency? How that got published I've absolutely no idea.
Just to add some of my own personal anecdotal experience. No one I know has suffered any ill effects like the ones above not personal friends or in a business of 300+ people. The same goes for my wife's company of 600+ (she's in HR and deals with this).
If you'd sat with me and my partner in A&E a fortnight ago then you'd know exactly why they are saying this. They are having to take on **** from the GP surgeries who are overwhelmed, plus people turn up and abuse it. For example, we had to listen to this lass pissing about with her phone on full blast and all that was wrong was that her shoulder ached and she needed some painkillers. She then started getting abusive with them about having to wait. This isn't what A&E is for and this is what they are trying to clamp down on. There were plenty in there like this. They absolutely have to tell people to stay away because this country is full of selfish morons.
Would help if GP's went back to face to face appointments. In recent months I've tried to see one only to get call backs and have to send photos of the issue How they can properly diagnose anything doing it like that I'll never know
Ours you either have to be registered online or try calling at 8am like everyone else and hope you get through and then hope there is some form of appointment available Took me 2 hours one morning, which when you are at work is a nightmare
I'm registered at Huddersfield Road and you can't reach either of their surgeries. My fiancee needed to cancel her midwife appt a couple of weeks ago as it clashed with her scan and we tried on and off for a fortnight to get through. Not even an email address to contact them via. And they wonder why people dont turn up!
My GP has been pretty decent to be fair, but it is a pretty sizeable medical centre with a GP practice within. It moved about 2 years ago and its hugely improved. The online set up is very slick and helpful, theres a swift response through e-consult and when you do need a face to face for something more serious, they have had those appointments. I've heard good and bad so I think it's very much down to each GP practice as to what the experience is.
Another problem is people trying to get appointments to save face at work. I've done it myself in the past. Self certs are frowned upon.
Snap. I'll throw in both my parents, one who has IPF, schemic heart disease and recovered from cancer last year, the other has COPD, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis and a partially collapsed left lung. Both had both jabs weeks apart, then the booster and the flu jab on the same day. No real illness to note apart from a sore arm. Also, correlation is not causation.