Do you think unpaid work disproportionately benefits people from the middle or upper classes? Do you think unpaid work incentivises employers to exploit "free" labour?
My apologies, but I felt like I'd answered your post in full. There's no anger there, Jay, not even a smidgen. But reading words on the internet isn't the same as talking face-to-face, or in this COVID world, via Zoom or Skype etc. So things get lost or taken in the wrong manner from time to time. I'm up at the crack of the dawn to deal with fixture release day, so I'll say goodnight after this. But yes, you were always an advocate of mine on here, you certainly had positive words for my stuff and encouraged me to take a chance in the industry. As did most people I know, except the missus, because I was giving up a better paid job to go work 30 miles away. But that's life. Did I go the fully conventional route? No. Was I lucky? Absolutely, in a way. Have I thought about leaving every season? Yes. Do I think I am qualified to discuss this eight-page topic? Yes. Can I speak for those students based on my own route? No. But I haven't tried to. I just know, after five years in the job with half-a-dozen successful interns, that this is a great opportunity and we aren't exploiting anyone in the slightest. But would this opportunity help 20-year-old me? No. So I accept that it isn't perfect, and I do understand the concerns about pay. But we look after them as a team. Above and beyond. Take care.
Quality post mate. And we're absolutely allowed to disagree. That's the thing. You're putting good arguments forward. Some I agree with, some I don't. But even with the ones I don't, and to be honest I think some are crap, but even those, you're polite and nice and put forward a reasonable point of view, and who am I? King of the world? I'm not even king of my house and I live alone. Keep on keeping on. I challenge you because I think you're worth challenging. On a few things here I think you're wrong, but Christ on a bike, would I want my imaginary kid learning from you in this business? Yes, I would.
Sorry Jay but your imaginary kid is a right little tw@t and even worse than that, I saw young Jane wearing a Sheffield Wednesday shirt.
I don't know if you've formed a relationship with Micky Finn, but if you haven't I think you should. I'd be very surprised if he hasn't looked at some of the output you've put out some weeks and thought, bloody hell that's a lot of work. I know I have. He was a producer at the BBC in sport for a lifetime. He's an amazing resource and he's a consistent contributor on here, I think you should speak to him.
Perhaps the club is missing a trick, why not have everybody as an intern, manager-ceo-players etc? They will all move on to better things so why pay em?
The Queen’s at it now. You do get weed management training though… At least they’ve got the grace to call it a voluntary opportunity and not an internship I suppose.
Lets hope the internships are ring-fenced for applications from any under-represented groups at the Club.
Do you have a view about the Intern Posts being ring-fenced for applicants from under-represented groups at BFC ?
Disgusting, she should either pay them or get out there herself, the freeloading parasite. Like the time she tried to apply for a poverty grant to cover the heating costs of her palaces.