For all fellow wrestling fans. How good are Best Friends now they have Orange Cassidy and Kris Statlander. Four wrestlers at the absolute top of their game. Would be absolutely unreal to see Cassidy as AEW world champion, Kris as women’s champion and Chuck and Trent as tag champs. Honestly think they are the most refreshing thing to happen to wrestling for a while.
I understand your excitement, because the wonderful skill, dedication and pure majesty of this, in no way, choreographed, faked sport is there for all to see. Wrestle on, grapple with all your heart,
I take it you don’t like films or TV then, seeing as it is shown to be real but in reality it is fake and choreographed. What a lazy argument.
It's a bizarre argument. Imagine watching Eastenders, sitting down and moaning that it's fake because Phil Mitchell didn't connect properly when he punched Ian Beale that time. I'm still trawling through old episodes of Nitro on the Network at the moment. Can't get into current stuff.
I admire you for posting this knowing the responses you’d likely get back. Get your chops on these beers from Brew York (@Fonzie as well as I know he’s partial to the odd drop of craft).
Same here, old stuff on the network only. I did give AEW's most recent PPV a chance and hated it, salty that Ogogo lost to Cody haha.
Can I ask how old you are? I was hoping aew was going to be another wcw but got to say been very disappointed. I don't mind orange cassidy but not for world champion and statlander is terrible.
Funny you should say that, I was watching the Godfather earlier and the wonderful skill, dedication and pure majesty of that, in no way, choreographed, fake mafia movie was there for all to see. I thought to myself, Act on, read scripts with all your heart.
What the Bucks and Cody have achieved with AEW is incredible... But I'm not Sure Omega -Okada will ever be topped as a pro wrestling spectacle. The sad truth is... That what they did was so good it's diminished my interest in everything that's come since. I do love Orange Cassidy mind.
I really did get the wrong end of the stick on this one. I thought it was about defending corner kicks!
Honestly, I absolutely love NXT, I think it’s super. The main roster stuff is bad gear though, I spend most of my time watching old shows to be honest. But Best Friends have rekindled my love to be honest, all four of them are as refreshing as it gets in wrestling, unique gimmicks, good wrestling and just camp and fun as hell!
I’m 27 and well into the 80s and 90s wrestling, but as much as there is some bad stuff out there currently, there is some excellent stuff still. I urge you to give NXT a go, it’s brilliant. I couldn’t disagree more on the alien, mind. I think she’s excellent, and her partnership with Chuck, Trent and Cassidy is just wonderful to watch.
Cassidy is excellent, outside the ring he is so charismatic and funny, and his sloth style is just brilliant.