A virus so bad we have to shut down the whole country, restrictions that ruin and end lives. But Hancock is happy to be swapping saliva with a stranger then going home to his family, suggesting he’s not afraid of either himself or his family getting covid.
It’s not the shagging though is it? Shagging’s great. It’s the constant puritanical, totalitarian dogma that comes out of them while they fragrantly ignore the rules themselves. Many folk followed the rules to the extent where they didn’t see their family for the last year of their lives, because he told them it was the right thing to do. The cûnt.
Ah but the going rate isn't usually given to a long term friend who you're secretly sha.ggingnat in your office
The Sun reporting they were caught again this week. Expect photos/videos of that in the coming days as for the paper to say that you bet they already have the evidence to cover themselves.
My old man was frightened to death to go out even though he had 2 vaccines and we encouraged him to get on with his life. I’m still absolutely gutted I only got to see him about 5 times in 18 months although luckily he came to watch the Swansea game on the Tuesday 2 days before he passed away. All this whilst that slimy Lovely person was fingering some bint who was making gazillions for her family because he’s the creepiest wænknut in history.
Aye, there will be families chuckling away at his antics despite them having to say their last goodbyes to loved ones over the phone or on f u. ck ing. Zoom
As much as he may be a little weasel. Having an affair doesn't amount to an abuse of power nor demand public outcry. Pulling at straws if this is what people want to bring him down with, it is his personal life, nothing to do with politics. By all means refer to policy and decisions he may have made. That is the right way to go about things.
Are you not entitled to a personal life? All I am saying is take him down through his performance as health Secretary. Not really that hard is it. As for your comments, shows your true colours wow...
You're completely missing the point. I think he's a massive **** for having an affair, but that's not what is causing the outcry. What's causing the outcry is that in order to have his affair he's broken Covid protocol that he helped write and having the affair with somebody that he hired using taxpayer money, who got the job because she went to school with him.
Whether someone else thinks I am missing the point or not, I'm not having responses like that from the user Terry Nutkins. Completely out of order. It's a forum for discussion not for responses like that
There’s every need when you come out with Ill-thought out sh’te like that. I lost my dad to COVID in November, I couldn’t visit him, I didn’t ‘t get chance to say good bye. I, and the rest of the Country was told by Matt Hancock, to Social distance, not to travel for months and I hardly saw him. That fekin horrible b’stard was talking the piss. His decisions, his cronyism and nepotism is appalling, If this Govt randomly executed 100 citizens a day you’d try and find a way to defend them. He wants more than sacking, if I had my way. What the fek is this country coming to when we ‘re defending behaviour like this from senior politicians. Until recently, I used to work in the Civil Service and if I’d have been caught in a little hanky panky on work premises, I would’ve been sacked on the spot.
Agreed. Take him down for giving his friend a high paid job, breaking social distancing to have an affair with her in his office and generally taking the piss out of the public. Well said.
i disagree spot on. I’m not suggesting this latest thing is THE worse thing he is culpable of BUT it is another misdemeanour in public office. we appear to have found ourselves land, particularly in politics, in a post truth age, where it matters not one jot what you do. They’re completely immune to real scrutiny, responsibility, and reprimand. It’s not the worst thing he’s done. By far. But it’s on a list of many and in the context of his position of responsibility it is actually a sackable offence in itself.