I wouldn’t always rule that out either! ;-) But generally rules around NEDs in the corporate world are pretty rigorous, including having same responsibilities as a company director. But this government is an exception in every way.
He wasn't personally abusive or threatening in anyway, he just told you to F off. Sounds like a discussion coming to end to me.
I saw your post, read the quote bit from Helen and your reply and was wondering for about 2 or 3 minutes why you were both randomly talking about small boobs. Then read it again
Ah think many of us older posters remember the days when politicians had to have a thing called morals.. Although not in the rule book their behaviour was as much a part of their place as a leader of society as their ability in the job... Sadly that went west many years ago and as they are led by a man who couldn't even declare how many children he has the rest of em feel safe in the knowledge that he will support them... There was an old saying many years back in management.. "keep ya hand out of the till and ya **** out of the secretary" hey ho.
Flipping heck, grow up soft lad. Ive told you to eff off. You’ve completely ignored the feeling of this thread and as usual defended the indefensible. Only 2-3 posts before yours I personally told a fact about what happened to someone who I lost only a few weeks ago who didn’t step out of his house for 18 months whilst the person you are defending thought the rules he was a part of creating, didn’t think it meant him and his adulterous cöck and balls. You are lucky I only said eff off. Stop playing the victim card. I’d hate to see your reaction if you sat in the front row of a Frankie Boyle show.
Normal behaviour for you then? Your out of order and resort to that because someone posted a different slant in the view. It wasn't even defending him if you read it correctly. Least I've seen your true colours. I'm lucky you only said that.. just wow.
So which point did I defend him again? Seem to be missing this? All I said was attack him on a work related performance perspective rather than some point if his personal life. Then got that from Nutkins. Pffft.
Haha, cause he did.. Just there is a thing called decency and manners, he obviously has neither. Just saying..