Biggest crowd so far. Long gone are the days when lockdown protests were small groups. Now it's a very large group of young and old from all walks of life who have had enough. Hancock not being sacked will have bumped it as well.
Just out of curiosity.... when this so called "freedom day" comes around and things are relaxed further.... what are people going to do with those freedoms that you currently aren't doing?
If you're saying that the government hasn't supported SMEs and self employed enough during the pandemic then I fully agree. This protest seems to be aimed squarely at lockdown restrictions though, which is a different argument isn't it?
Wouldn't mind but considerable amounts of these same people voted this lot in. They couldn't wait for their blue passports, unicorn rides and no foreigners. There's too much corruption going on the minute, the list is endless. The way more to rage about than masks and vaccines at the minute. We are in the position because of 10 years of Tory rule, poor pandemic planning and response. Yet we're still in the same position because dear Leader wanted to keep the borders open so he could have fun abroad and raise vast sums personally. Pigs in a trough eventually get full and come to their senses. This lot know the trough will never empty and still go at it every day like they've got an empty stomach.
Same as I'm doing now to be honest. Maybe a bit easier going out to pub but that's a once every 2 months event anyway. Chalked holiday until next year. Just hoping people keep going with the vaccines to keep the mrs safe at work. As a whole, as long as people are careful and respectful to each other we should be fine. The damage, after all, has already been done
Not particularly though. For hospitality, aviation, events industry, and other small businesses that rely on things going back to normal, the restrictions are as important as support. If you’re not getting the support you need then you need things to open up fully. It might not feel like the restrictions are making much difference to you doing things you enjoy (royal you, not you particularly), but it’s having a huge impact on people’s finances and futures.
But in a global pandemic governmental business support is more appropriate than relaxing restrictions, well, in my opinion it is. The furlough scheme (and whatever the hell that shitshow was that was supposed to support self employed folk) was woefully inadequate from the very start. Every job, every position should have been ringfenced at the very minimum. But lets blame restrictions and the people that support them.
Why have you just added that second part? Completely changed perceptions of what’s been said in this exchange and it’s made up in terms of me saying that. Why do people on the BBS do this? When restrictions appear, to many people, as too strict then of course businesses and people who want to support those businesses will blame those same restrictions. If 80% of adults have been double jabbed then what role is the vaccine playing in fully opening? Nobody can explain that really because there isn’t the data to support that notion. Everything points to being able to life restrictions and some sections of society have had enough. You mocking or pouring scorn on them is exactly the attitude and behaviour you’re appearing to call out in this thread.
Hang on, where have I mocked or poured scorn on anyone? I thought I'd been positively civil? And that bit you quoted wasn't aimed at you specifically, more the protesters.
A mate of mine who lives in Brighton ...ex pro boxer now a coach ( in his late 50s) traveled up to London this morning to take the freedom march...its just not about coming out of lock down though is it..... I sent him a message last night saying stay safe and look out for the London met instigating violence then reacting to any justify themselves He replied should I take my gloves then lol I replied if you think it's going to be that cold I'd take your hat and scarf too.... "What"
Funny, people said that before the last 'freedom day'. 'There's only three weeks until 21st June.' Oh, hang on...
I wonder how many NHS workers & especially ICU workers are there cheering them on? Or are they bracing themselves for another nightmarish stint at work