So I received my notification this morning from Dido's app to say I've got 8 days to do. Thankfully I have no symptoms - and with it being an 8 day alert, I obviously had contact with someone 2 days ago. Anyway, I've had loads of messages from a few people telling me to delete the app and ignore the notification. People who I actually thought were sensible and rational. Is it me that's being daft for actually doing the isolation? Am I being naive? Or am I doing the right thing. I've sent replies back to said people to say that I'll be isolating and a few have taken the Michael. What would you have done? Incidentally, I'm double jabbed.
Well you're doing the right thing in that you're doing what you've been told to but the whole thing is an absolute joke and a waste of time. 1. We are told that vaccinations make you extremely unlikely to catch it and extremely unlikely to pass it on. To such an extent that the government has confirmed anyone double vaccinated won't need to isolate after coming back from other countries where it's more widespread 2. The track and trace system is hugely flawed and has no idea whether you've actually been near anyone anyway. Go to McDonald's for breakfast at 7am then go home for the day and the track and trace app thinks you were there until midnight.
I put the track and trace app on Purley for ease of entering venues that require it. I paused contact tracing on it and have never re activated it. Once in a venue I turn off the Bluetooth on my phone too. I have no intention of isolating on the off chance I've been in the same building/area as someone who has tested positive who I may have had no contact with. (Appreciate this may be a unpopular stance) The double jabbed bit makes little difference from what I have read. You can still carry it and pass it along (just less likely to transmit if you don't have symptoms) I just don't see where it ever ends if we all keep getting tested and isolating when we are perfectly healthy. A interesting take on this from a friend of mine who along with the rest of the family care for his elderly mother. So he has been doing the lateral flow tests at home twice a week. He recently went away for a week so in the week leading up to it he didn't take a test (or see his mum) as he didn't want to miss the holiday.
You’re doing the right thing by the rules. With two jabs and a negative lateral flow test every morning I’m not sure I’d be as harsh on myself to stick to them.
A colleague’s husband got the alert on the app a few days ago and is isolating. Their daughter, who goes to our school, is already having to isolate anyway due to a classmate testing positive so at least they’re not alone. We had to close a full year group down last week (different year to the daughter) for the first time ever due to the numbers who had tested positive.
Just coming into the last 2 days of my self isolation it does say on the app what day your contact happened not time unfortunately, I went on holiday Friday went to watch England match in bar area so most obvious contact point looking at the logs although well spaced out probably family behind me who kept standing to take child to outdoor play area they were probably only on weekend break so went back on Monday which is when the app says is date of positive test got notified Tuesday so had to cut holiday short and come home luckily got good offer of credit towards future break And the same I’m also double jabbed be glad when they start taking that into account but too late for me
Does it work like that? Does it keep track of who walked past you to go to the play area? If that's the case why do we have to manually sign in to places each time?
Personally if it was me I'd be deciding whether it would put me out financially. If it meant I couldn't work and wasn't going to get full pay then I don't think I'd be isolating at all. If I could work from home or would be guaranteed full pay then I'd most likely do my best to stay at home for a couple of weeks but if I needed to go out for something I would do at sensible times when I'm least likely to meet other people. Though to be fair that's how I do my shopping anyway
This is the exact nonsense that put me off following the rules. How can their daughter already be isolating but the aren't? It's utter madness isn't it. The first time my sons "bubble" got shut down I was shocked when it was explained to me he had to isolate but I could continue to go to work. When I told my manager he just said we are following the rules even if they don't make sense.
Not sure exactly but as people with children tend to have stood directly behind for sometime at points discussing which on was going to take child and where
I guess because where would it end if you had to isolate if you’d been in contact with someone who’s been in contact with someone who tested positive? People are already saying they won’t isolate if they’ve been told (via the app) that they’ve been in contact with someone, what’s the chance of them doing it if that contact was once removed? If the daughter (or husband now) tests positive then she will have to isolate. She has been isolating apart from work anyway during the 8 days and has stayed as far apart from everyone at work as possible, sanitises even more regularly than usual and we have to wear masks all day anyway.
But if someone has to isolate then everyone who shares a home with them should too? Makes no rational sense at all to me. Which then it was leads me to thinking this is ridiculous I'll just make my own decisions.
But it still makes no sense to have someone who the government believes is at high risk of being infectious with a virus so desdly we locked the country down locked in a house with other people but allowing those other people to go and mix with everyone they want to. It should be the household or nobody at all. makes zero sense for the daughter to be legally forced to stay at home because they believe she could be so contagious yet she spends 10 days cuddled up on the sofa with her dad who then goes out to work. I get what you're saying about where does it end but that hasn't stopped the wider public supporting daft restrictions such as banning outdoor meetups with family despite the data showing how low the risk of infection is but when it comes to a clear and obvious risk it's just ignored in case it annoys people
The goverment hasn't confirmed people with 2 jabs won't need to isolate coming back from amber countries where the virus is more wide spread. If so that's news to me there is massive pressure from the travel industry and rightly so but it hasn't been changed yet thats partly what the protests are about.