Nail on head, they are all pretty much bullet proof job wise because they all know too much about each others corrupt little side lines, corrupt to the core the lot of em...
The thing is though it's not just the UK where we are seeing the rise of right wing politics , we are seeing it across Europe which I'd like to think dispels the myth that this is a Brexit only thing . The Swedish government collapsed this week . How so with the warm embrace of EU membership to comfort them ? BTW Sweden's political landscape appears earilly similar to the UK but the same can be said for a great many countries across Europe . For me the real elephant in the room was the 2008 crash and the handling of that event . Namely the bailing of the financial systems and the resulting austerity cheered on I may add by the EU and many a centre left party . This has then led to a collapse of the left and left an open checkbook to the more extreme right wing politics we are starting to see . As history has shown , when democracies start to falter the left always fails first and in most cases become hated as the betrayal becomes apparent .
They deserve it. They are pure evil. People make mistakes, that happens. Governments make bad decisions, that happens. What shouldn't happen is governments making laws that have literally killed people and ruined lives and then ignoring each and every one of them whilst forcing the public to adhere to it. It's nothing but evil
This might be the single most irrelevant "but Corbyn" I've ever seen on here, and that's saying a lot.
Eeeerrrm, They were both single at the time, they weren't even MP's, so there is no comparison of the 2 situations, One of the most pointless posts ever seen on this board.
100% agree with all of that. Cummings himself said he engineered the Brexit vote to distance this country from European extremism. In doing so he unleashed British extremism and laid the foundations for a Government hell-bent on normalising it. There are frightening parallels with the crash of the 1920s as well. Democracy was widely believed to be on its way out even among many British. The only decision to be made was whether the future lay along communist or fascist lines. We British think we could never fall for extremism simply because we’ve never experienced the horrors it can bring.
He’s highlighted his unfounded dislike of Corbyn , one of the Murdoch pitch fork brigade that either can’t think for themselves or feel self entitled .