I’m glad the commentator called it out straight away yesterday, when the crowd cheered when the camera went to that little girl crying. ‘Kin pathetic all round really. From the crowd and the cameraman.
Spain and Croatia hardly have a cracking record as regards racism. Making out what is definitely a minority of fans to be the reason to not support a team, which even if only by geography we have an affiliation to, is exactly the same reason Barnsley fans dislike (or worse) Millwall fans for example.
Other than tournaments I have zero interest. And the idiotic behaviour of England fans both in the stadium booing anthems and the knuckle draggers spewing out rehashed racism on social media put me off. But yeah I hope we win the current set of players seem nice grounded lads so hope we do ok on that basis. Not keen on the anti football we play
Followed Barnsley and England from a very early age. Barnsley first always but i’ve had some great times following England. All football clubs have morons supporting them, the national side did, especially in the 80’s. England had a large contingent of idiots, but so did every club across the country. Euro 96 was very special, probably a time of life thing but supporting the national side does not make you a brainless loony.
I only care about them in tournaments. Friendlies I don't bother with. No point watching qualification matches as it's too easy and never in doubt. Stones, Trippier and Maguire have all been part of our set up so it's good to see them playing for England. But then the national team are based in the capital so it's hard to get excited about a south based team so many hours from the north. The new national stadium should have been built in Birmingham to be more central to everyone.
Perversely, I work in a department of 15, four of which are not into football, seven are of the opinion that England are sh*te, boring, etc and they can't be arsed, four of us who always root for England come what may, The four of us all voted remain, six of the seven leave.
Can't help wanting England to win. Hate the morons who boo anthems and anything else they object to. Not so keen on the defensive style of the team - they do have a lot of talent and it would be nice if they showed it. Decent sent of lads though in my opinion. Since 1970 I've had little emotional choice but to be connected - and I'm pleased they have got this monkey off their neck re being chokers on big knock out games.
I'm absolutely not suggesting supporting the english national team is purely for anyone who voted leave. But as we saw dePfeffel instantly jump on the win to create a media opportunity that aligns him with populism and nationalism that he's been stoking every day... it obviously plays well to certain audiences.
It’s only one of several reasons. The main one being I’m not arsed about England anyway. I don’t feel the attachment in the first place. If all the fans behaved, the media weren’t complete *****, and Southgate played the most exciting, dynamic, winning football ever seen, it still wouldn’t make me feel anything near the joy of watching the Reds nick a scruffy point or 3 somewhere wet and cold. I got more excited watching Spain and Croatia because they were involved in a great game of football. Politics / society didn’t enter my mind. England v. Germany was boring as hell. Nothing more, nothing less. I totally understand why that doesn’t matter to people who are more invested by the way. If the Reds win a poor spectacle, I’m still happy, so I get it.
It's very strange I think to find so many people who've decided they either don't care about or actively dislike the England team on the basis that they have a minority of fans who are objectionable people - on a Barnsley FC forum.
Nailed it.. agreed Yesterday I almost turned it off I was bored sh it less with boregates tactics....previously theres been times that I've not even bothered watching when England's been on the TV plus I've even declined tickets to go and watch them ..love them to do well but don't get downhearted in defeat ..just like the Premier league ...just teams that I watch with no interest who wins other than wanting to see a good game ...yes I might shout if its a good goal or bad foul etc but no real affinity to any team I have similar feelings about the Portuguese national team as I do about England I like them to win but don't get beat up downhearted in defeat Barnsley defeat and mood changes a plenty
Does it then extend to... 4th Great Britain 5th United Kingdom 6th Europe 7th Earth 8th Sol System 9th Milky Way.... Seems to be a lot of people on here who embrace being from Barnsley/Yorkshire, but want nothing to do with being English. Not sure how you can have one and not the other. It's all the same tribalism, just on a different scale.
Just seems to me, that there are a number of people willing to look for any reason to not support England, but will support local teams with the same playing philosophy if they're winning, or excuse the fans of other nations' indiscretions because they've not got their faces painted with a St George's flag.