It's worth reminding that through all this sh!tshow, Whitty and his colleagues have remained on frontline duty in their day jobs. Whitty spent Christmas Day pulling a long shift on a Covid ICU ward. Anyone harassing or abusing them, or even suggesting it's 'okay', should be publicly flogged.
I think a lot has to do with Social media and a concept called The Threshold model of collective behaviour by someone called Mark Granovetter - that is the number of people who have to do something before you join in. In the past maybe you and your mates might spout off in the pub about going and sorting that Chris Whitty out, and that would be that, not enough of you involved for it to breach your threshold of behaviour. Now however, you connect with thousands of likeminded morons on the internet who totally get it, and suddenly you've breached that threshold and you are now matching on his house with your group.
Perhaps if more people knew what Chris Whitty was responsible for last year they wouldn't feel quite so sorry for him.
Like fu¢king clockwork..... You'll forgive us I'm sure, casual tyke, if we treat anything you say with the utmost ridicule.
Oops I think you logged in on the wrong account by accident. This is the one you promised not to use again, quick log in to your other account
He wasn’t responsible for anything Johnson/ Hancock made the decisions . Probably Robots might believe otherwise though .
the sort of scumbag I was talking about attempting to blame a clinician for the actions of politicians. Contemptible
Oh my! The BBS’ greatest intellect has once again ‘done his own research’. It’s it that Chris Witty is one of the baby eating lizard people that will be rounded up when Trump is crowned ‘king of all mankind’ or something?