The second worst-kept secret at Oakwell also appears to be confirmed now. I'm astonished that we appointed a role as sensitive as that of CEO on a fixed-term contract and seemingly allowed this to simply run down. Barring any explanation, this looks to be negligent beyond belief in terms of protecting BFC's best interests. It's one thing to have players and managers on a contract such as this, but not the CEO role. Will await the announcement on this with some interest.
Someone posted before there's plenty more Ceo out there. We can replace him. Seems to be the done thing at our football club.
It's not about being able to replace him. It's about having someone at the heart of all the sensitive negotiations and confidential information that the role demands simply being allowed to up sticks and move to a direct rival on, effectively, a day's notice. In reality, he won't have been in post for a few weeks, but he was definitely still in-situ at the end of our play-off campaign, and that's too late in a role of this type.
He was giving interviews only a couple of weeks ago I think. Should’ve been on gardening leave as soon as last season finished, at the latest. Maybe even once the January window finished
It doesn’t make much sense because even on a permanent contract and salary he could have walked off , maybe he insisted on it and was always going to walk or the club wouldn’t pay him what he was asking for but Scabs will . Everyone wants to cash in on success in football , he’s a young bloke probably wanting a move back to US eventually having expanded his CV
It's not just that. To recruit a decent CEO takes time and the better ones will already have jobs and most likely require 6 months notice. CEO, even of a small company is not an easy thing. If you take a punt on someone, you've a very steep learning curve and that is likely to take as long if not longer as a 6 month notice period to get to grips with the role and whats required. Given its a crucial role in close season, having lost first a coach, then captain, and CEO and club secretary, it really presents us with a challenge that could have been navigated more easily. Ismael and Mowatt we couldn't do anything about. The CEO... thats a different story altogether.
No need to worry. I suspect his replacement is already being spoken to and it will be sorted well before the new season. If we confirm next week Dane is gone I would expect his replacement in by the end of the week commencing July 11.
How? The only way you're going to get someone inside a fortnight is if you promote someone from within, recruit someone with zero experience who doesn't have a notice period in their contract or they are unemployed. I'm not sure if we have anyone internally who could take on the role (Zuk maybe, but he seems more financial than the wider communications, recruitment and all operations), and the latter two should be rare. The likelihood is we'll have Conway as interim for a 3-6 month period
What bothers me most is this will set the club back in it's summer recruitment. You can allow for the losses of Val and Mowatt. Players and Coaches come and go. The guys that get their replacements and have access to targets it isn't so easy. The only solace I'd take is if we signed GG back up as someone to hit the ground running. Or any of the CEO's within the ownership groups portfolio.
I can't see GG coming back or being able to do the role across so many clubs. I don't believe we operate in an official group structure. Though it would be nice to see some transparency of respective ownership and subsequent funding.
I agree. These were issues I'm happy to ignore with a winning football team on the pitch. However, in typical Barnsley style they rear their ugly head in a triple whammy in pre-season.
We often hear that players or managers wouldn't come here without specific release clauses. Maybe, just maybe, Dane wouldn't have come with a never ending contract. Or a rolling contract. Is it not feasible that he himself said 2 or 3 year contract or I won't come.....
Head coach. Captain. CEO. Club Secretary. You can’t lose and have to replace all of those in one window and it not have a detrimental effect. You just can’t. The CEO and club secretary are also ‘in the know’ of our plans and even immediate transfer dealings. How has this been allowed to happen? All the changes at Oakwell, all the lessons learned, and yet everything is still pretty much the same.
We really are a poor outfit. Last season papered over the cracks. How can a club run by billionaires not afford to reward success with a fu**ING payrise?
Not really. Somehow it was offered up at the beginning when they completed the purchase. They didn't say otherwise, haven't since. I don't see it as a scam. Just something that some people willingly believe without trying to find out what the actual truth may be.