I've got a few thoughts on this. The best case scenario is that Dane actually laid this out the the club a while ago and we have someone new ready to step in next week. But if not, as the original poster said this is beyond negligence. This is the CEO of the club we're talking about - he needs to be on a 3 or 6 month notice period. Losing him at the end of a contract term is bonkers. This wouldn't happen in any other business and if it has been allowed to happen here it will be down to a grave error in judgement from someone at the club (Conway?). Some people are saying that this is just people wanting to criticise the club - come off it! If we're without a CEO for a period then it's a terrible and avoidable situation to be in. The owners have, to my mind, made a few big errors - Morais, the shocking summer 19 window, the Stendel sacking announcement (Dane?) and potentially the Oakwell dispute. The general picture seems good but this would be another one for that list. Hopefully there's a replacement starting straight away and this isn't the disaster it seems. It's not so much about Dane himself, more the position the club could be in if left CEO-less.
Which playing targets were we looking at for all eventualities if the CEO knew is was off? Does the CEO have any input on transfer targets? Is it all done at the top and the CEO and Head Coach are responsible for being mouth pieces and picking the team?
I think some people are conflating an executive employment contract with a players or coaches. This is an extremely unusual situation, for an executive to have a fixed term contract. You have interims which are fixed term, but they are sticking plasters. If you're not sure about someone, you have a review period and clauses to dismiss. but they protect the employer. If Murphy has just been able to walk, especially if it was short notice, due to a lapsed contract.... well, lets just say if a HR department had let such a thing happen in any corporate, heads would roll.
From memory (and it may have been tweaked) there was essentially a recruitment team, that the CEO has to be part of. I can see no reason why he'd ever be party to algorithms and formulae, but he will have absolutely seen the outputs and shortlists. He would likely have had conversations already and be aware of transfer fees required and wage expectations.
If he goes then it is going to be interesting to see if any of our players are going to be touted to their, Dane's and Val's, new clubs. Can we possibly see Mowatt at WBA? I can.
They should have made him an offer with an acceptance deadline after the January window and if he rejected it removed him from any sensitive duties eg player contract negotiation and certainly kept him well away from recruitment especially the spreadsheet. The board appear to have been too busy basking in the glow of an unexpected season of success and been caught out and have managed to lose a great manager great club captain and successful CEO in 2 to 3 weeks if they were the board of a publicly listed company the shareholders would be demanding resignations.
Setting aside whether the Club know how to formulate a contract, just a quick thank you to Dane for his efforts. It can't be easy working for the group of owners we have. Christ they can't even work together themselves. I thought he grew into the role (which was pretty fortunate as he only looks about 13 years old). It's obviously not great that he's joining what looks like its turning into something like an exodus, but rather like AM, you can't blame him for wanting to better himself at a much bigger Club with considerably more ambition. It's just the way things are and something we've accepted at the Club.
I will stick by my original thoughts ....some thing has gone off behind the scenes and Dm has chosen to walk because the club lacks his ambition....same with Big Val and Co... Just my opinion...and.it will come out in the wash...in time always does....but unfortunately there's not a lot we can do...either way
The only one you can directly link to substantial real money is the Indian dude. Everyone else, it’s all paper money and shares.
Personally I go to watch 11 men kick a football around for 90 minutes, I’m not sure the CEO counts for much. I reckon Murphy got us Dykes, fair dooos. But the rest he’s just given a list of names from the spreadsheet of all knowing and rings round the clubs and agents - anyone could do it.
From what I’m told there’s been no fall out, nothing like that. Just a case of a club coming in offering more money, that’s life. He’s no loyalties to us. I think GG will be back, he’s still in the owners circle and I think we’re the head of their project. I’d take him back no problem.
Or we’ve had unexpected success everyone wants to take advantage of the kudos of getting into the playoffs, the Managers been offered a shed load more money that we can’t match , the CEO has been offered a shed load more cash which we can’t match , the Captain has been offered a record contract but it isn’t enough because he’s been offered a shed load more cash by another club . Despite all this we’ve replaced the Manager , after getting £2m for him ,in a few days , we’ve signed three players and are looking at a few others . I’d say who ever is pulling the strings down at Oakwell they aren’t doing too bad in the circumstances , it’s probably Conway ……or Whitey
Absolutely spot on, post of the day, it's that simple. Not for the ones with an agenda, they've had **** all to moan at for the past 8 months.