Just full of police. Shut Grange Lane off looks like who of Barnsley Police Force is there. Whats gone off?
Those who run the fair get a HUGE fine if travellers successfully get onto the field while they're holding a fair so I'm guessing they may have been quite forceful in trying to stop them
Yep. The fair ppl have said that they might never go there again now. Police left them on and said it’s councils problem
It's a problem for us all in the Borough its our council tax that pays for the fall out from it all ....maybe bsly council need to take a sterner and tougher stance....
Council Tax doesn’t pay towards matters of this nature. It covers the emergency services, adult social care, some areas cover Parishes and rest goes to recycling.
I stand corrected...but were does the money come from to clean up the mess they make....were does the money come from if warrants are needed for eviction...etc.. Out of the Borough budget which like I stated before we the residents pay for....whether that be directly or indirectly it effects us all.... Let's be clear those in question will no doubt be Irish travellers....not gypsy's .....