It's a no from me. Among other reasons, I think constant sanitising, mask wearing, social distancing, staying indoors etc can't be great for your immune system. We'll be locked down again by Christmas anyway, so that'll keep plenty happy.
But I don't think he's talking about walking down the town center he's on about people walking through villages, walking there dogs etc like ive seen.
Here we go again. Show of hands. Anyone actually want us to be locked down for Christmas? Me neither.
I think they didn’t work when they didn’t have any. When they got some, they wanted us to wear them. Similarly, in the the beginning and despite the PP standing for personal protection, we were told that they were for the protection of others. That appears to have changed also. I must admit, I’m at a bit of a loss with it all.
You could say that about pretty much anything though. Smoking is incredibly damaging and costs the NHS millions but that’s optional. I don’t understand how we’ve got to a place where people expect the government to tell us what to do and what not to do. Talk about nanny state. If masks are made optional I won’t be wearing one in most places, but if someone requests that I wear one, for example the staff in an old people’s home, I would wear one out of courtesy as I don’t feel it’s much of an imposition.
It was obvious what you were talking about, its a strange subject face masks and lockdowns for some brings out the worst in them.
I voted no. The scientific evidence says that they don't significantly protect the wearer but protect others from the wearer - if the wearer is infected. I am fully vaccinated so unlikely to get infected thus unlikely to pass it on. Besides which they steam my glasses up....
I'll ask again - how do you know where they've been or where they're going to? And why does it matter?
No i won't. I will still continue with the handwashing and hygine regime although I did this before the pandemic.
I wasn't going to reply to you and I will only be doing it once but here goes. If someone is walking in a tiny village its highly unlikely that they are walking from shop to shop, people walking there dog and even jogging. If your young and healthy and wearing a mask outdoors especially when excersizing for a virus with a 99.7 survival rate i despair. You have been very pro lockdown and pro mask throughout but for me it looks like a total joke what isn't funny is the amount of job losses,the depression, the amount of people been diagnosed with serious illness too late from not seeing a doctor face to face, the kids who have missed out on a education, the goverment who tell you to do one thing then do another I could go on.
I'm not sure why you're going on about this and why it bothers you so much? I accept that the odd one you have seen may not have been going to shops, but if they want to wear one who is it harming exactly? Just asking that question doesn't make you "pro-lockdown" (as if anyone is pro lockdown in any case), I won't be wearing my mask any more once i don't have to before you start on me too.
The reason for wearing face coverings is not to keep yourself safe but to keep those you come into contact with safe. Unless this practice is generally adopted by people it is fairly pointless. You will get Covid from some infected person who does not wear a mask. As an absolute minimum face coverings should be compulsory on public transport. Crowded buses and trains will be a brilliant way for Covid to be passed from one person to another as it is for transmitting colds and flu. The government is playing fast and lose with our health. You may not die but I know someone with Long Covid. This is not a pleasant condition. Bojo the Clown strikes again.
Thanks! It certainly does generate polar opposite opinions so best not get into arguments about it. I know what I think about it all so maybe I’ll keep quiet for fear of upsetting those with the opposite view. Mrs Merton used to say “Let’s have a heated debate!!” I’ll abstain.
It doesn't really to be honest do as they please it is abit depressing seeing people wear them outdoors when we are told chances of catching covid outdoors is slim to none. It was obvious what POR was talking about but then he gets jumped on like usuall on these sort of threads thing ill just stick to football on. And do as you please I definitely won't total farce the lot what makes it even worse is that if a school covid bubble is broken the whole class has to isolate the Scotland teams bubble gets broken and just 2 players do to keep the euros going... last from me on it.
Honestly mate I despair. People just don't apply logic to situations anymore. Reckon I'm gonna be done with the BBS soon honestly. Lockdown and anybody that felt stopping a virus we knew nothing about and not just letting it infect and kill without reservation will be blamed for any problem that exists in the world for the next decade. Any business that closes will be our fault, any suicides, any mental health problems. It completely defies logic but that's where it's going to be going and honestly I don't know if I feel like sticking around for that fallout. I've already been called selfish multiple times for supporting something that offers no personal benefit to myself whatsoever, with not a single reply any time I ask how I could be selfish for supporting something with no benefit. Certain posters constantly posting nonsense and abuse, which is often dismissed as "he must be drunk", with not a single word from admin, yet any time I call somebody out on their nonsense (even though I admit I can be a bit much) I get called out straight away by admin. It's very grating.
Other things bother me alot more such as delayed operations, not been able to see a gp face to face, kids missing out on education, job losses, depression etc