Fair enough, but some random person minding their own business wearing a mask outside has nothing to do with those problems you've highlighted. If they want to do that then it is their personal choice.
I'm pretty sure 99.9% of the population do accept that we will never have zero deaths from it for the foreseeable once everyone who wants a jab has had it.
My concern is that those who do wear masks and are doing nothing wrong, just managing their own risk will be attacked both verbally and physically by idiots. Folk manage risk daily, they do what they feel comfortable doing.
smoking. I’m sure the govt passed some laws to limit its impact on others. Maybe people should just adhere to the smoking ban if they feel like it…
Then why are some calling for mandatory masks for another 6 months, 3 years, forever? 20,000-50,000 die of flu in the Uk every year Covid is no worse with a jab available.
Hmmm. It seems to me that most people who are anti mask and anti lockdown simply want people to be given the opportunity to exercise their own choices at their own personal discretion and therefore this is very unlikely. This is clearly at stark contrast to many of the scenarios we’ve seen on social media where people who may have an exemption have been bullied and intimated - in some cases even by the police - in public settings.
I lived and worked in China for a year about 20 years ago. People walked about in them quite a bit and I could never understand why so asked one of my students- she said partly due to pollution in some areas but mostly due to not wishing to pass their cold onto others. I think that would be a great idea for us to adopt too but as a society a sizeable section only seem to care about themselves.
Delayed operations - More likely to happen if more people are in hospital with Covid Face to face GP appointments - Similar to the above, but also something that can be rectified independently of any 'lockdown'. Would be helped if Government had thrown the billions of pounds to actual PPE suppliers that would allow easier access to proper protective masks, rather than standard surgical masks, to all healthcare settings, rather than giving the money to mates that don't deliver anything Education - Unfortunately, the Govt have now put all their eggs in the lateral flow test basket. Hopefully it will work, but not so sure. Nothing done on ventilation in schools to help reduce airborne transmission. If the £37bn on test and trace had been used to good effect, maybe there would be more local lab capacity to turn PCR tests around quicker, and then testing might be an alternative to isolation for close contacts Job losses - If restrictions are needed, then putting them in at the right time, rather than for a long time, would've helped reduce the economic impact. The Chancellor not going missing the week when 19th June relaxations were postponed would've helped. I don't think anybody 'wants' lockdown, or even restrictions. But what really grates is when the health secretary says that we have to 'learn to live with the virus', as if it's a noisy neighbour. It's up to him and Government to get the right mitigations in place. Unfortunately, things like test and trace, poor support for people isolating (financially and mentally), poor border controls during vaccine roll out etc... shows that they're simply not capable.
That's nonsense. Tends to average about 10-15k - in a bad year up to 30k. And some people will call for anything. Some people would want sex with children legalised- doesn't mean it is going to happen though does it? Not something I tend to lose sleep over or get wound up about.
I could, but I'm not. I'm talking specifically about Covid and mask wearing. I don't want to see a nanny state either, but I'm not about to suggest that seatbelts become optional again.
I'm got an exemption, I have a lanyard. 4 members of my family are in the same boat. All have the aforementioned lanyards. They wear them and to date have had no issues. I choose to wear a mask in certain settings. This is mainly due to the fact that personal hygiene in this country isn't great. I don't want covid again, and pre covid I was sick to death of folk lacking the basic standards to cover their mouths when coughing. I've handled passports for a living, the amount of times on a single flight where passengers have them in their mouths is disgusting. They hand them over with saliva still on them. There needs to be a massive rethink on the way people conduct themselves and that starts with the government. The presenteeism vs absenteeism debate needs to be had, too regularly you see folk in work, in offices at deaths door. Why? Home working for office staff should be a standard for those fit enough to work but suffering from viruses. Why go into work and pass it on to everyone you've been in contact with? Home working in those circumstances would aid recovery, why flog yourself for on average 10 hours a week travelling. The government are always happy to attack the workforce and moan about productivity.
they are fearful because they have been lead to believe they protect against the rona when they do very little - espcially the ones general folk wear. Unless they are sealed and corect material they are pose more risk than protect. All this has now damaged a lot of people that will take time to put right along with a lot of other mental health issues they have created.
You have also probably not been mixing with others like you did and perhaps the places you do go have upped their cleaning practices. Plus people are more likely to stay home now if sick. If masks worked as they say we wouldnt be seeing the infections rise and fall like they do. We dodnt hve them in the first wave and infections came down to next to nowt.
Masks are worn for a variety of reasons. No-one should be abused for wearing one. Many folk wear em in heavily built up traffic areas. Do they get abused.? If so. they shouldn’t worry. They are looking after their own interests. Fcku anyone else. An estimated 28,000 to 36,000 deaths a year in the UK are attributed to long-term exposure to air pollution. Exposure to air pollution can cause a range of serious health complications, including lung cancer, heart disease and stroke. Pollution can come from a variety of sources, including wood burning fires and fossil fuels. But research shows that pollution from traffic might actually be worse for our health than pollution from any other source.
I can’t afford to stop wearing mine, I’ve invested too much in it Anyway I’ve not figured out how to get it off!