I'm just so fatigued by the whole thing. My wife told me this morning my little boy was stood at the door waiting to go out for his school bus. But he isn't going to school because of the bubble nonsense. Time he will never get back, he can't "learn at home" Day 1 of isolation we took him out for walk, day 2 he's gone to the grandparents. To think of it the only restriction I have been following is actually the mask one and I've only done that to avoid the grief. My wife who is exempt and has been wearing a lanyard has been confronted on numerous occasions. Recently by a very aggressive man in Lidl (customer) who actually followed out of the shop telling her she was 'killing people'
Theres about 15 deaths a day from covid with the vaccine. Thats around 5,000 a year As I say going forward it wont be worse than flu
Was just correcting your earlier overexaggeration. Not sure exactly what you're now arguing about as I've said i wont be wearing a mask after 19th and I accept there will be some deaths from this as with other viruses we have vaccines for.
I totally agree with you. But At the height of the pandemic. People in their thousands in demonstrations were ignoring the rules. Claiming Covid was invented and in denial. For what , Passing on the virus to the vulnerable. A fcku the rest of society attitude.I haven’t seen demonstrations pointing out the opposite view. The situation is changing all the time and it’ll be down to individuals to take what action necessary. in their minds. Abuse of either view, when not required is unacceptable. Tit heads will always exist.
I don't think it will make much difference to mask effectiveness anyway. The ones who say they won't wear a mask, will probably be the ones who haven't been wearing one anyway or who weren't wearing it properly i.e. the chin strap brigade, those with uncovered noses, multi users of the same one without disposing/washing etc.
I’m going to drive my car with my eyes closed and I accept there will be some deaths from this as with other drivers who drive with their eyes open.
What are you on about now?! We have lived with flu for a long time and not had lockdowns etc in place to mitigate the deaths or strain on NHS in winter. I have supported lockdowns for Covid until the majority of the vulnerable and country have been vaccinated, then feel it is time to accept we have done all we can to mitigate it. We live with risk every single day. You would never drive a car, use electric, cook or mop a floor otherwise. It is not comparable to driving your car with your eyes closed. Moronic comparison.
To be fair we went a long time without compulsory wearing of seat belts in cars, but once we realised they saved lives it became law. It seems sick to go back to a situation where we are accepting flu deaths, when we now know what can be done to vastly reduce them.
With some of the ugly buggers I’ve seen come through the turn styles it should be compulsory to wear masks , full face ones at that . And I’ll include myself in that
There has to be a line drawn though somewhere and weighing this up with other factors such as the environment. I'm sure if every person in the world wore biohazard suits in public we would eradicate most viruses but is that realistic or proportionate? Is 50 odd million people wearing masks when we have a small number of daily deaths still proportionate? May sound callous but fair question? Comparing no longer wearing a mask (because the risks of not doing so to others is now minimal) to driving with your eyes closed (highly dangerous) is a bit retarded.
I was using analogy to illustrate the fact that It’s not up to you to ‘accept’ there’ll be deaths as a result of your behaviour. I used the moronic comparison to make it easier to understand
As some others have said the poll should have had a sometimes option. If I got the leaks correctly then it will be mostly optional but you still will need to wear one to visit a hospital or care home so they must be still believed to have an effect I dont like wearing them but I think the timing is wrong to make totally optional. I can see a case for it in crowded indoor spaces especially if there is a good chance you will be surrounded by the same people for extended periods eg public transport. I also think there are many steps that could be taken to make it safer to avoid masks - good ventilation for example also fixing properly the track and trace and compensate properly those forced to isolate I will continue to wear a mask if in a confined indoor space, and also regularly run lateral flow tests to check I am not infectious. I fear that many of the more vociferous anti maskers wont be bothering with any of that. I wont be putting a mask on to walk from the door to my table in a pub though as for shops its a tricky one not sure yet and it may well depend on the shop
I've followed govt guidelines to the letter since this started. I've also tested myself twice a week and I've seen my office twice in 18 months. I've been fully vaccinated since April. I'm not sure what your point is? I'm airing an opinion that we have done everything we can to mitigate the risks, deaths will still occur.
I think environmentalists will be glad to see the back of them aswell as many shops and security guards, they seem to be shoplifters dream every photo on polices wanted shoplifters they now have a mask covering half there face to make them even harder to identify.
The government have done a number of tests events indoors and found very little infections...... https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-57615547 Dr Powis says the NHS will not be over run. Those who play a part in the decisions haven't just woke up one morning and decided to get shut of masks.