Some of the comments on this board at times would make me lose my faith in humanity if I hadn't lost it already.
No one's contributing because her team lost, it's to make up for the fact that grown men are calling a child a slag and worse... I'm not sure if you're deficient or just being deliberately awkward.
Imagine having more of a problem with people donating money to this, instead of those actually doing the online abuse. It's almost like people will ignore racism and instead have a go at folk for calling it out.
It's for the amount of abuse this little lass received on social media from the vile scum behind their keyboards, not the fact she was upset to see her team lose.
Sorry if upset anybody with my comment but i genuinely know nothing of the vile comments you speak of, i just saw a pic of her crying and thought thats what it was all about...
As vile as it was, would she or anyone related even know about it? Does anyone on here read German Twitter accounts? I can't be bothered with Twitter myself so don't even know what was posted but I do know that all the scummiest trolls on earth are on it. Good on the guy for organising the fundraising but unless someone from the press has knocked on her door, I doubt she has a clue as to what an English Twitter account has been saying. Doesn't excuse anything by the way but I just wonder if people's obsession with Twitter and Facebook is partly to blame.
The behaviour of these English idiots made it to the news even in Finland, so I would assume that the German girl's family know about it too.
I think that's it. It's nice to see someone at least trying to do something positive for a change, but of course the racist twáts are having none of it. You would have thought that the nazi chants and Luftwaffe songs are things of the past generations, but sadly that doesn't seem to be the case.
I hardly ever go on twitter, saw a couple of very tame pics on facebook. but hardly anything to suggest she had been badly trolled. obviously they are different.