About time the party that was elected started making the decisions instead of listening so much to the unelected Scientists.
What ? If they’d listened to the scientists in the first place we wouldn’t have been in this mess as severe and as long . This lot couldn’t govern and allotment garden .
No reason at all to not keep mask wearing as compulsory. Could have lifted restrictions on movement and numbers without changing that small, but effective measure. Johnson, as usual, more concerned with popularity & headlines than taking the tough, common-sense decisions. Looking forward to seeing those numbers rocket!
They are useless I will give you that. But it's the job of the people elected by the public to make the decisions. Great news that people won't need to show a vaccine passport to get in to a full capacity stadium. I reckon some Football clubs will do though.
I think that people will use common sense generally' the positives and hospitalizations are expected to rise but we need younger people to take up the vaccine, the thing is it has to open sometime and if we keep putting it back it will be autumn/winter and it will just continue on, vaccine take up is vital amongst young people' i'm quietly confident..
Can't disagree with that' when questions are asked in the future whitty and the rest of the experts will be thrown under the bus' i actually think that when this is over the tories will get him out' he's only there now because no one will touch the job with a barge pole at present..
You do realise that government makes decisions after listening to experts from many fields, on many subjects on a regular basis?
& Leonard? John Cale sang a great version too. I can’t hear it anymore, it’s been massively diluted by pop wannabes.