It’s incredible how alleged libertarians don’t recognise others choices if it clashes with their own views.
Who are we protecting. **** loads of elderly and vulnerable are jabbed and young ens are ok with it.Centre court at Wimbledon is packed as I write and 60,000 fans are going to the Mecca of football on Wednesday.By the way I am CEV !
I wonder how many women and girls who usually wouldn't leave the house without makeup have done so this last year because they were hid under a mask
If we genuinely cared about each other as a human race we’d wear masks, sanitize ourselves and a hundred other precautions to look out for each other. That’s impractical however Going forwards some businesses /public buildings might ask people to wear masks, some might not, some people might choose to wear them some might not. Don’t go bairning though if you are asked to and don’t want to. Don’t go bairning if you are wearing a mask and someone else isn’t. Just do your best, live your life how you see fit, let everyone live there’s and don’t be a dïck about it.
To the ‘libertarians’... go live your life. No restrictions, live every day like it’s your last. Squeeze the pips out of it. Don’t moan, rejoice. Tell us all the things you’re doing that you couldn’t before. No time for bellyaching now, you’ve a life to catch up on. But remember this ‘libertarians’... liberty means freedom of choice, and respecting others choices. Some people have no immune system. Some people will die from Covid irrespective of vaccination. Some people will therefore have difficult choices to make. So respect their choices and respect their right to life.
Not really sure who this is aimed at, but for me it isn't about "squeezing the pips out of life" more a hope those who have been living in a state of despair due to damage restrictions have caused them can see light at the end of the tunnel.
It wasn't about you, it was about NHS staff dealing with a potential winter flu season and having Covid on top of that. A double whammy. And Covid is demonstrably worse than flu due to people suffering from it long term. That's not to say we shouldn't try to return to normal, but you shouldn't be so flippant about the effects of doing do.
Good point. I would be in favour of making face coverings compulsory on public transport at least. Incidentally, and I know this is a result of much more than mask wearing, I have not had a cold since March last year. Coincidence? As the Health Secretary has just said "I will continue to carry a face mask and wear it in crowded situations, not least for the safety of others". It is about the safety of others.
People die in road accidents but we still have speed limits and segregate pedestrians and motor vehicles.
I'll wear one if I go on public transport, probably in shops. I'd rather do that and have everything else open and back to normal so it seems a small price
Humanity is littered with changes that in retrospect seemed an obvious thing to do. It doesn't make them any less worthwhile.
the point is many things can be done. We just have a govt incapable of doing any of them properly and now it’s too late.