So to do want them to end on July 19 right? Woohoo Os, if I were you I'd start editing your posts in other threads and sticking a question mark at the end of your opinions in those threads where you're against removing restrictions. Sorry I mean your questions
No ta. It's clear what your opinion is. I don't care how many times you deny it and pretend it's just a question
No , I know my opinion, ( cautious and bit by bit)I have stated it often enough in the past along with the reasons for it . It was simply a poll ( you know a question) to gather what others opinions were. BUT you just ploughed in and are patently unable to admit you were wrong
You want opinions, right I'll give you one. Any person without a genuine certified medical reason for not wearing a mask be that a medical or physiological reason, who stops wearing masks in enclosed public spaces from July 19 because it's no longer a legal requirement is being nothing but a selfish *******
We're being given just enough rope to hang ourselves imo. It is my belief that lockdowns and the removal of our freedoms is the "new normal", recently there has been a groundswell of resentment towards the restrictions and the government as a whole for keeping us living under said restrictions. We are now being told "do what you like", which on the face of it is something which I believe should have been the response from the very beginning, however, I smell a rat. This "removal of restrictions" is the excuse this government will fall back on later in the year when cases rise sharply, which they inevitably will, and they will have "no other choice" but to return to lockdowns and social distancing and the masks etc etc, and guess what? It'll be all our own fault because the government has left it up to us to "think for ourselves". Think what you like about COVID, the restrictions, the response....that's a matter for you, the individual, to come to your own conclusions. What I would say is that from the very beginning of this whole thing, I have smelled a rat throughout, so many provable lies told (why tell a single one if this is all kosher?) Slight mish mash of ideas there, it's late, but hopefully people get the gist.
The worst part of the pandemic was the thousands of supermarket workers dropping dead last April because there were no masks and they were coming into contact with absolutely everyone.
The rise in infections that largely coincided with a homemade mask replacing distancing in crowded supermarkets and schoolkids being sent into crowded classrooms. The hospitality industry was simply made the scapegoat because it was much more convenient than admitting the other two big changes ****** us up. The statistics on where people caught the virus don't tend to back up the blaming of eat out to help out in any way shape or form
Boris allowed the new variant to take hold by not closing the border to India because of his ego, but that’s just who he is. Maybe without that the current roadmap would be fine, but given the situation we are going to see 50k a day by end of july. Yes, the link to deaths is a lot weaker but it’s still going to kill people and cripple many others with long term illnesses. There will be huge disruption to people’s lives as a result of his gross incompetence, again!!!
Aye but you see Bozo the Clown told people over a year ago that they didn't work, to stop people buying all the stocks out when people who needed them more couldn't get them. Obviously he can't be trusted, but we should definitely listen to what he said then and not anything that has been said by any number of experts since.
Yes, we are going to see 50k cases a day by the end of July. But if the link between cases and hospitalisation / death has been so clearly weakened by the vac uptake then, and this was the point that Chris Whitty was making, isn't now the right time to let cases run at that level so that, with a combination of vaccination and immunity through having had it, we get close to herd immunity before the winter sets in? Better those cases come now than in the winter. The govt are clearly averse to starting a programme of vaccinating kids because of the much publicised risks of the vaccines and the fact that the risk benefit argument is weaker with kids because they are not at big risk from the disease anyway. So the only way we reach herd immunity is through case numbers amongst the unvaccinated. Personally I think quoting daily case rates on the news should be stopped now, it serves no purpose when the link with death is now not so linear. We have to learn to live with it, it will be here forever so if not now, then when?
The link to hospital admissions and death is still linear and directly proportional to the number of cases. The ratio has dropped - possibly by around 80-90% - but 1% of a lot is still a lot. (50,000 cases per day would be around 500 people admitted to hospital daily, 3-4,000 in hospital, 600 on ventilators and 30-40 deaths per day). Surely it would be better to use those 4,000 beds to provide treatment to those on the waiting list for treatment than to those who caught an infectious disease because the government dropped the mask restrictions before everybody was vaccinated? I suspect at the moment, cases will remain in the 30-50k over the summer and spike significantly in the autumn when kids return to school and university. Remember last July, cases were around 600 per day and look what happened. We *could* be ok, but by relaxing now we are making it much more likely that stricter restrictions are going to be in place later this year. And as for people not wearing masks, I was in Brampton Morrison's yesterday and saw someone with no mask sneeze all over the herbs and spices...
Can,t see a problem they are saying wear one if you want and don,t if not.We have come to a point where we have to take a chance and hope that the vaccines will win.Same as a wembley only allowing 50% capacity as a trial.A full stadium is a trial.
The same folk panicking that ‘all restrictions are being lifted at once’ are they exact same ones who for the last two months have been telling us we can already do whatever we like and there are minimal restrictions on day to day life. It’s almost like none of their arguments are in any way consistent.
Well - wait a minute. Whitty said they didn’t work. Vallance said they improved the situation ‘none at all’. Harries said they were actually a net detriment in the hands of non expert users.
But it’s obvious that the reason for that was a political decision to stop people buying them when health services needed them urgently. Remember this was at a time when toilet rolls and flour were completely out of stock due to idiots panic buying. What do you think would have happened if it had been said that they helped? Even so, the research and advice since then has been very clear that they do help. It’s just common sense that they do really, anyway. But even taking the initial advice at face value and ignoring the obvious reasons for it, if we only ever listen to the first word on a subject and never change based on new evidence, we’d still be scared of falling off the edge of the world.