I also took it to mean that fully vaccinated people who are going to catch and become seriously ill with COVID now, are the same people who are the same people at risk from the severe respiratory infections in the winter. I think all we can do is respect others, wear a mask when we feel it is necessary and follow the rules of any establishments we may want to enter. I do hope there isn't the risk of lots of people catching both seasonal flu and covid at the same time.
Some very fair points. I didn't renew last season or this due to the ongoing fiasco of the car park and the inconvenience of the pedestrian access routes. So I was considering whether to attend one or more of the earlier matches on PAYG. But my daughters are not yet fully vaccinated and nor is our four week old granddaughter. So while the risk may be small, it is not one I need to take.
Speak to any hospital admissions dept. The number of younger people, many of them children, being admitted with covid-related respiratory problems is on the rise. You're one serious piece of work...
You're a selfish ****, that's even simpler. Anyone who's lost a loved one to this awful virus would be justified, as far as I'm concerned, in wanting to kick the fu¢k out of you, wait for you to recover, then do it again. Have you got no shame at all??
About a quarter of our school is off due to Covid. Masks are back. More restrictions in place. I think it depends on your circumstances how you define freedom. Schools will probably become a reservoir of Covid with no vaccination of the bairns. They don't seem to be particularly affected by it, just infected. Elsewhere should be less of a problem. Clownman has washed his hands of the problem and it'll be our fault from now on.
But that's the point. You're entitled to expect some sort of personal enjoyment from your life without having this weird Catholic style self-flagellation guilt trip people are being asked to feel. The level of risk to your loved ones (particularly the younger members of your family) really is statistically insignificant in comparison to what it has always been from other contagious diseases. It is simply that you have been reprogrammed to assess risk in a different (and more irrational) way. Of course I respect your personal circumstances. But millions of people are wasting their days away because they are taking the (admirable and noble) stance that it's "the right thing to do". Here's one for you. Do you really think your missus and daughter want you to miss out on the things you most enjoy to reduce their chance of illness by a small fraction? Would you really expect the same from them, or would you want them to live the most fulfilled life they can? There's your answer, then.
Replying to you would be easier if you knew how to use the 'quote' function, but hey-ho... Where did I mention lockdown?
I took that the scientists have advised one course of action and the politicians have ignored this and chosen another.
But increasing week-on-week - every reason to keep a few simple measures in place. That's if you've got any sort of conscience, obviously. Or IQ.
I just want to live a normal life and not in permanent restrictions Seems to me some people dont want that
A few hundred or whatever going into hospital in a nation of 67 million is never a reason to enforce hard rules on the whole population
"......no one can make me wear a mask. I dont like wearing it so Im not going to. The only reason I ever wore it was to gain access or avoid a fine. Its as simple as that" Your words are there for all to see, you selfish ****
That is why I spoke first to my wife. It was a decision for us both based upon the increased risk that I would have been taking. It was a joint decision based upon our individual understanding of the way that the virus passes and the risk that it poses. The problem is, and I speak generally here, I known that some football fans have a very different view to myself about society and the responsibility that we have for other members of that society. I know that some will know that they are carrying the disease, but that they will refuse to isolate, and that they will turn up at Oakwell for a match with little regard for the consequences of their actions. If they are ever questioned about the rights and wrongs of their actions, they will happily reply that Boris said it was OK. The fact is that the bloke sitting in the next seat to me may be that person. I have no idea. I will not understand his reasoning, or his justification for his actions, but that will make no difference. I will still be infected. The directors of BFC may look at the risks. They may have regard to the small minority who will have no concern for others, and they may insist on masks and perhaps social distancing. Who knows? If they do that, I will reconsider, but as things stand, I shall not attend.
I'm still going to wear a mask at work even if it becomes optional and for use of public transport and shopping.