Known fitzy tyke since about 1988 through the Social/Supporters' Club team..... Cracking bloke methinks! Probs may know others on here too
Only know/met half a dozen. Some others appear to know me but they won’t divulge. Brian Mahoneys waist Cowboy. Juddy G. (colleague and fellow union rep) Tykes R us. Are the only 4 who I would say know me. To give an informed opinion. (Help ! . Pee off jud.) Met Gally and Jay. And I think I got talking to Redhelen at an away game once. All nice people btw. (except jud. who keeps threatening me. telling me he knows where I live little does he know. I’ve moved)
There are also relatives on here. Me and my bro both on here, I talk sh ite and he is the sensible contributor. GUESS THE RELLI I’ll go first, who do you think it is?
Thanks Tarntyke. Great guy who kindly agreed to give up his time at the pub to talk about Orgreave and being a miner in the 80s and work after for my PhD research. I really briefly met the wonderful Mr C. but we somehow failed to meet up afterwards- sorry if that was my fault! I think that was at a bit of a mad point in my life. I'm pretty sure I saw Big Lil in person as he matched known sightings and .was wearing an archeology t-shirt but I couldn't make my way through the cars in the Oakwell car park quickly enough to say hello I
Over the years I’ve met Gally, BFC Dave, Farnham, Jay, the Full Ponty, Extremely Northern and the departed John Dillinger and every single one of them was an utter cockwomble.
Over the years, I've met numerous folk from the BBS. Some have become close friends. I think it's fair to say I haven't met anyone from here who HASN'T been a lovely, friendly person. And that includes Mr C!
I'm sure I've seen/talked to a load of people on here but just don't know it ..... lol The only person I do know on here is my cousin - Springvale Red
I keep it to myself. I'd hate anyone to say "so you're the guy that spouts all that crap on the internet". I've mentioned I post in passing when I've been in the Mount.
I'm thus assuming that I am either utterly forgettable, or so far off the cockwomble scale that I need a separate picture all of my own. I'm not sure which is preferable.
I once met Liquorice Tyke about 14 years ago. Not sure if he still posts on here. I believe he once appeared on countdown.
Met a few back when I was still living in UK. Used to travel up down from South Wales with Dragon Tyke. Had a round of golf with Farnham , I was suitably terrible. Forgot the name of the pub that is up the hill behind the Caravan garage , but met a lot of folks in there before games.