Yes I think that’s the case too. But ultimately we’ve done everything we can to protect the most vulnerable - they’re double jabbed and will receive a booster shot. We have to lift restrictions at some point, and there are benefits to lifting it now rather than later. Regarding flu, there’s a concern that because there wasn’t much flu last winter it’s going to be even worse this time because there’s very little persisting immunity. Will be just as important to make sure immunocompromised get their flu jab too.
Remember the circular argument between 'Lockdown Fanatics' who want us locked up forever and them who don't care if people die or not? Remember when we all decided that those people actually don't exist and it was just frustration that led to a little name calling? Well I don't think we ever found someone who wants us locked up forever, but I think we've finally found someone who doesn't care if some people live or die.
But you've said that at every opportunity throughout the pandemic you've not worn a mask when you could get away with it. So you believe in a vaccine protecting you but not you protecting anyone else. How old are you by the way?
I am not at an age that I am vulnerable. And since masks came in we've had 3 lockdowns & 1 year of restrictions. They've hardly made a difference have they Pfizer gone way down to just 64% effectiveness.
None of us are talking about whether YOU are vulnerable. We're commenting on your complete lack of compassion for those who are. I have to say this and it's one hell of an achievement but you are, without doubt, the most monumental a****hole this board has ever produced.
You have clearly said that you've avoided wearing a mask wherever possible throughout. Which means that for most of that period most people hadn't been vaccinated.
Saw interesting model update today from a guy I trust - estimating 10-12k hospitalisations per week - by around the 4th August which is 40% of previous peak, and around 10k extra COVID deaths coming out of this wave, as a result of the decision to fully open on the 19th July. Need to keep a careful eye on hospital admissions over the next few days and weeks.
Mr neil ferguson said we'd have 500,00 Vallance said there'd be 4,000 a day Cant trust these wild stats