I wasn't around for the Hemsy era but id be looking at Sunlighter's and Casual Tyke's IP addresses for any similarities.
So you are not planning on flying anywhere then for your holidays out of your own personal choice? Many airlines will still be requiring masks to be worn on all flights.
Between 1918 and 1920, the flu killed more than the Great War. It also left a generation of babies with increased incidence of certain deteriorative conditions (Parkinson's iirc) - like Long Covid. Many parts of the world *did* introduce measures, including mask wearing and local lockdowns to protect against it. That was the last pandemic (excluding AIDS) which killed more people worldwide.
And I'm sure you don't need reminding that Donald Trump is one of the biggest cnts of the 21st century. Bleach and a sunbed, lest we forget.
Spanish Flu is a variant of H1N1 flu. Another variant caused Swine Flu in 2009 and another Russian Flu in 1977. The 1918 variant is believed to have come from birds originally, but some are endemic to humans and others pigs. So, yes it is a seasonal flu and we vaccinate ~15m people against it annually.
You can choose to go on holiday in some countries. Other countries might not yet you. If the situation regarding infections increases in the UK, then more countries will not yet you in.
You realise that we have advanced somewhat as a society since then. Not you. You are pond life but epidemiology and medicine. We also understand that distancing and masks make a difference (again not you as you are pond life Plague is still among us in certain countries with a death rate nowhere near 50%. Happy to help. just before Christmas I watched my uncle die agonisingly of Covid not in person as it wasn’t allowed but on the screen it looked a horrific way to die. I wouldn’t wish that on anyone but clearly you only care for yourself