No it's not one of those threads. Or I hope not. Ended up having a bit of a discussion with a mate last night about The End of Lockdown or Freedom Day or whatever its called at the minute. We were speaking about how many people have currently sacked off restrictions at the minute, and discussing isolating - we've both had to isolate recently. I did a full 8 days, and he got 10 days but after doing a lateral flow test for 5 days he decided to go back to work - the reason being he's a self employed Sparky and couldn't afford to stay at home. Now he voted Tory last time round and it got me thinking that those who voted Tory seem to be those who haven't followed restrictions that stringently (anecdotally of course). So my (rather long winded) question is? Did you vote Tory and if so have you followed the restrictions that your government have implemented? Basically it gets on my nerves that the people who put these criminals in charge are the ones who don't really follow any 'rules' whereas the ones who voted elsewhere have reluctantly 'done what they're told' (whether they believe in restrictions or not). Obviously the answers are over simplified, but I would suggest that most will fall into one of the four.
Yes I voted Tory and until recently followed the guidelines. I downloaded the Covid Tracing app and had tracing and bluetooth switched off yet still got pinged and asked to isolate for 8 days. I deleted the app and re-installed it and the message vanished. That really shook my confidence in the system. I'd recently been told that if I had another period of sick before 8th September I'd move to phase two in the sick policy. So even if the ping had been legit I'd have had to seriously consider whether to isolate or not.
I did not vote Tory but I do not understand why you think that Tory voters are the ones that did not follow restrictions , apart from the high profile examples then how would you know ? . Living where I live which is a Labour stronghold I know plenty who have not followed the rules & also others who have cherry picked which rules & restrictions they decided to follow .
I think you're trying to make a political link between the way people vote and their willingness (or not ) to adhere to the Guidelines when in fact there isn't a link. I doubt if anyone gets up each morning and thinks 'I'm a Tory/Labour/Green etc. voter therefore I will wear or not wear a mask. i follow the Guidelines ++ because I don't want to get Covid nor would I want to pass it on to anyone if I did get it - - nothing to do with politics.
As a sweeping generalization, Tory voters are likely to educated to lower levels than "opposition" voters. They are also more likely to be older though. - or at least an older person with no degree is much more likely (2:1 or more) to vote Tory than any other party, but that also depends on area, background, etc. So, there could be some correlation between the two. But it would need a much bigger sample to be accurate.
I think there is a link - but a subconscious one. It's not as black and white as "I voted Tory, sod the rules they don't apply to me". I guess what I'm getting at is the "Boris is the best thing ever he's our leader lol" clan are the same as "they can't tell me what to do I'm not wearing this face muzzle" and it genuinely puzzles me and frustrates me. Especially as they'll probably vote for him again.