That is how you unfortunately interpret it. Its quite extreme really, all I said was I am happy about july 19th going ahead. That it will be nice to get back to life.
No you didn't. You repeatedly said you don't give a fig about other people. It's in black and white on here. I'll leave you to it anyway.
Who said you'd attacked anyone? What you have done is insult everyone who's either suffered with Covid or has a loved one who has. We've been lucky here - one remote acquaintance passed away with it, but nobody closer to home. If I'd lost someone dear to me, however, having read the utter sh/te you've posted on here and your flagrant disregard for the welfare of others, I'd hunt you down and kick seven shades out of you. I suspect I wouldn't be alone. So stop the pathetic whining about being insulted on here - you're lucky to get away with just that.
Wow, such vitorol. I never insulted anyone in any way. Maybe my words are being twisted or misunderstood
You were asked if you’d wear a mask in certain settings to protect others. You said no. Your choice. Other people’s consequences
You literally did. See my previous response. Ask someone who's lost a close friend or family member to Covid how they feel about your previous posts and obvious disregard for the welfare of others. See if they feel insulted by your reprehensible behaviour.
I'm done with this thread after this. Reply if you feel the need to. However, the last comments I will say on this topic.....if you are a WUM then it's long past the stage of being funny. Secondly, I like many others on here find your views about wearing masks totally abhorrent because they are based on total selfish self interest and show complete contempt for other peoples health. In effect you may end up killing someone and you dont give a That is why people are biting. Not me any more. You enjoy your 'freedom' if you wish but if the death toll rises near you or one of your family gets really poorly just think to yourself 'Did I actually contribute to that?' You have produced the vilest, most callous comments on a thread I've ever read (and there have been some bad ones). As I say, enjoy the freedom to harm others.
Latest polls shows 71% in favour of keeping masks. So neither English nor maths are you’re strongpoints