My post was in response to you removing all your ‘opinions’, again, are you suggesting it wasn’t you?
You were referring to people who voted in a poll who agreed with people on here. If someone who voted in a poll to say they’d continue to wear a mask is ‘a bedwetter’, then surely that description also fits people who posted the same here? How come you see your posts and opinions without context to the rest of the world. ‘I refuse to wear a mask, it’s my choice’ ‘So you think it’s ok to endanger others?’ ‘that’s not what I meant’. There is no other meaning. You post something and immediately disassociate yourself from it.
Again; like the kid in the nursery, you weren’t trying to debate, you stated an opinion, told people you were happy to get away with breaking the rules whilst their relatives were dying. Then got upset when they reacted in a perfectly reasonable fashion. But as I’m typing this I know I’m wasting my time; because your mum thought she was being kind not telling you that you should respect others if you don’t want them to think you’re a nob.
No, you fail to see the consequences of your actions, and you’re upset that others see it differently (see above)
There they go again twisting words I literally never said that The government arent enforcing masks for a reason
Well after a long few days with very few hours sleep and breaks I see Boris' new plan is being received wonderfully. Been in a national H&S meeting today to top off my working marathon. Let's just say the matter around masks was front and centre. The reason why Mr Whitty and Mr Vallance weren't happy seems to originate from the fact that once again Dear Leader seems to have backed dates rather than data. Why are civil servants being briefed to continue wearing masks in indoor settings? Surely Boris wasn't playing politics again with people's lives and risking the health of folk who are still in danger?
I’ll write slowly as it’s obvious you don’t read fast. YOU posted earlier that you’d not worn a mask whenever you could get away with it. That has rightly upset some people who have lost relatives. But again YOU are accusing others of twisting your words, rather than taking responsibility for your actions. YOU are playing the victim when it’s you who’s been the aggressor. But you will fail to accept that. I can only hope that at some point in your life, you’ll look back on this time and accept you used to be a bit of a Dick.
Once again all the aggression is towards me. How I live my life is none of their business is it The funny thing is these masks havent made a jot of difference. In place for a year and still not back to normal
That might have something to do with the Alpha variant which came into the UK after Brits visited mainland Europe last Summer. Then Boris wrote a written invitation to the Delta variant and promised it an all you can eat buffet. Dear Leader and his chums hate foreigners but allowed this one in without hesitation. Strong borders my arse. I know you dont like experts, a bit like the bollocked chopped Cabinet Secretary, but those are the facts. Flags, blue passports & Vera Lynn.
Like I said; you are seeing something different to what everyone else is. God bless your mum ‘look at our Sunny, the only one matching in step’. As for masks not working, show me the data against the control sample and we’ll discuss the findings.
The findings: 7 months of straight lockdown, 3 months of lockdown lite and still the masks havent ended it all
Masks were never meant to end it all. Just because you don’t understand how mitigation strategies work doesn’t mean masks don’t work.