Now my imagination has kicked in. Hate it when that happens. When’s the international break ? We could invite players, definitely Mads! & howabout a fundraiser? I’m thinking for Stroke Association, in memory of Eric Winstanley, whose son, Mark, got it far worse than I did. We could source some nice memorabilia & have an auction? I’m sure Terry Nutkin would be up for it. I think the pub has a video projector too. Whitey could comp up something lovely, I’m sure.
No need. I live about 20 seconds away! Which can stretch to 5 minutes with the 17 year old Jack Russell.. Car pooling could be a thing. If Kev’s off the pop, he could bring a couple from Dodworth?!!
You have to come, otherwise I’m taking my ball in. Ooh, there’s an idea? 5 a side on the back lane. Jumpers for goalposts.!!
I'll need a bit of advance warning ... 72 hours before the flight for the test and results - 1 day for the flight - 14 days in quarantine - then up the M1. I should be there for the last hour and then I can do the above in reverse order. Sounds doable!
This’ll be the most sober meet up ever if everyone’s having to drive out to Wentworth (or rely on dodgy buses) on a school night It’ll just be you and S74 propping up the bar.
Everybody likes a ride out to Wentworth.? It’s just living here that’s dull. Especially, when you don’t drive.