I’ve posted the link hopefully it works. Basically ex pats living abroad for 15 years or more will not only be allowed to vote, they can send party donations. Very nice for the super wealthy who can now send unfettered large sums to the Tories. https://apple.news/AFVdyrZyURMClQkwenRGuQA
No I’m not, I m never surprised at the Tories feathering their own nests at whatever costs to the nation, or the sheep that follow them. I Just didn’t ‘t realise what else they were up to. Doesn’t mean to say it should be accepted or their shouldn’t be outrage though
Yeah I agree, we all need to be extra vigilant and shine a light on these shady attempts to solidify their stranglehold on the country. It's a sad state of affairs though that we're not shocked by it anymore.
Stock responses by government will be vaccines, will of the people, build back better, flags and blue passports. Doesn't matter what the question is, they'll reply in that manner in particular order. Like Bridgen on channel 4 news when asked about the Home Office cresting an asylum system which is illegal. He basically said folk voted for this.
Yet we have million page threads about "freedom" that talk solely about masks. Must be coincidence that Johnson had his press conference about opening everything up, a week earlier than planned, leading to media headlines about his libertarian instincts as this bill passed through Parliament.
Looks like they’re trying to silence their own back benches now, https://apple.news/AjXW7Ppe9SISbnWuYdg7NxA
Also they’ve started a consultation to link free prescription charges to state pension age instead of 60yrs
Great news as I am less than 2 years away and doubtless it will be introduced before I get there. Wonder if those just over 60 now will need to start paying again I just keep watching all the benefits my parents had being pushed further and further away instead of a bus pass at 60 its now 67 and looks like prescriptions are going the same way. Just need Barnsley to scrap the grandfathered 60 for a senior Season Ticket and I will be made up
Its making it more difficult to vote as not everyone has a photo ID and those most likely not to have one are generally the lower income and minority groups and as luck would have it be much less likely to vote Tory
Purely looking from all angles... Does the bill stop a wealthy expat from sending a party donation to Labour / Lib Democrats / Greens? If not, what is the issue with that? Same with expats voting, are only Tory ones allowed to vote? If not again what is the issue? As long as the donations fall within whatever our rules state across the entire political spectrum, then its fair game surely? Just seems like political poistioning where the opposition parties have noticed that the Tory Party benefits most on these areas? Flip the coin and it is the same with the Tory plans to change boundaries, their way of playing the same political game, looking to gain an advantage.
The right to vote over 15 years was a Cameron election promise that was overlooked for years. It might have even been enough to swing the Brexit vote the other way given the number of British people living and working in Europe for that amount of time.
No its not. Admittedly there will be people who fall through the cracks but the vast majority of UK residents need some form of photo ID to exist,
"Here in the UK, 3.5 million citizens do not have access to photo ID and 11 million citizens do not have a passport or driving licence – research from 2019 estimated that 1.3 million people in the UK do not even have a bank account. That makes mandatory voter ID a barrier to many people exercising their right to vote." https://www.electoral-reform.org.uk/campaigns/upgrading-our-democracy/voter-id/ Estimated additional cost of £20,000,000 per general election.