I did send a dm to one of you in May asking to delete my account Please can you do me a favour and ban/delete me now thanks
Eh up, I've been called from a dog W@nker to a extremist left wing K**nt amongst other things, dunt tek it to heart, no one hates you,besides you'll be back
Why do you need a deletion? Just stop visiting the site and logging in. Or are you hoping all the tripe you've posted will disappear too!
@Sunlighter is this as close to remorse as we're gunna get from you? Were you being a wum yesterday and are embarrassed about it today?
Exactly. It's like saying there's a pub up the road you don't want to go in any more. But rather than just not going in there which would be easy, you ask the landlord to break both your legs to make sure.