Hold-on. Sunlighter posted messages which many of us disagreed with - so some posters took it on themselves to bully him - and once one person starts the bullying it escalates. Now he's asked to leave, the bullies pile in once again and choose to mock him. We are fortunate that we can post freely on this open forum and we should acknowledge we have a duty of care towards all those who access it even if we disagree with what they say.
Hold on. There was no bullying. There was exasperation at the viewpoints of someone who demonstrated a determination to disregard the safety of others and display absolutely no compassion to those at risk or who have suffered loss. Just because the vast majority of us fundamentally disagreed with him and pointed out his absolutely ridiculous arguments does not make us bullies. It makes him so far out of line with human decency that the responses he got were warranted.
Hold-on part two. If you're a too-hat, you invite people to treat you like a too-hat. I don't agree with piling on, but posting ignorantly about a very emotive subject is bound to draw negative attention, and doubling down because you either are a selfish and callous person, or because you're a wind up merchant or both is going to cause people to close ranks and tell you that you are in the wrong. Calling out people for being lovely people isn't bullying.
The ironic thing is that's what made re evaluate the whole thread. Nobody could have meant all that tripe. Looked to me like a school kid in a playground firing off volleys. I sincerely would like to know how old he is. The stick was warranted taking what he posted at face value. I'm certainly not condoning his actions. I'm maybe looking into it too deeply. Who knows?
but this often happen to the victim of bullying - the bullies deny any form of bullying - the victim sees it differently. Read this thread and note the posts which mock/denigrate Sunlighter. I disagreed with most of what Sunlighter said and responded to none of his posts. Of course anyone has a right to 'call out' views they disagree with and we should do that but that doesn't mean criticism of the person. Shoot the message not the messenger! And, to repeat myself - we have a duty of care towards other posters who we don't know personally.
Anyone else remember the ‘definitely an adult’ last year who worked in a factory earning £40k a year, but also ran a firm of accountants and had a private box at Oakwell? There were similarities, not understanding when clearly out of your depth etc.
I stopped interacting with him this morning because I was beginning to be of the opinion he was unstable. That doesn't mean his opinions weren't abhorrent and shouldn't be challenged as such. There's a worrying recent trend of some appalling stuff getting posted on here. The thread the other day implying the guy raising money for the german girl abused online was a paedophile was so far beyond the pale it was astounding. This is a good site and I'm damned if I'm going to keep quiet when people are peddling stuff like that.
Why make a post saying you arent going to post anymore and want your account deleting? Just stop posting. Simple.
There are times though Churton. When a poster has posted something taken totally out of context, and regardless of the posters explanation, some folk are like a dog with a bone and become blind to anything said in return. And have to make an issue out of something that wasn’t there in the first place. There have been some really uncomfortable debates on here lately. And as such are dragged out because neither back down. Then it’s time to agree to disagree. Rather than 22 pages of repeats.