Seems to be the case doesnt it, with some people practically begging for their account to be deleted? Some people need that final deletion too, as when they know they still have an account the temptation is there to log back in. If it's damaging to their health etc then they may need an admin to delete it for them, if the option isnt there to do it themselves.
Can't understand this mentality at all. It's got nothing to do with growing up or 'manning' up. It's a simple request to admin to delete an account because it looks like they can't do it themselves. It's really not too much to ask.
I might be wrong but doesn’t GDPR mean you have ‘a right to be forgotten’? I’m sure I remember someone asking for their account to be deleted and all posts removed but was told it’s not possible and that the posts would stay indefinitely.
Asks to be deleted… still logged in 4 hours later liking posts. He’s literally laughing. Of note: @Red-Taff. there was no bullying, and to call everyone a bully isn’t really on.
But I was answering your question re deletion. And I don’t want to lean heavily, but we’re adults. We should be able to make a decision to leave a forum. I’ve managed to leave forums by accident; having not been in for years, forgotten password and being unable to get a new password as I no longer have access to the email address.
I think once you ve posted on the Internet you don't have a right to have it deleted under GDPR . Just like if you say something you can't unsay it. This might help- not sure how accurate it is but having had some GDPR training it looks legit to me. Does seem strange you can't have your account deleted.
Re deletion my point is, why won't admin delete an account? Take your point about threads maybe not making sense once theyve left, but if they've left it shouldn't matter so much anyways as you can no longer engage with them. In terms of being adults/forums, if I hadnt had the option to delete Facebook years ago and Instagram earlier this year, then I can't say for sure that I wouldnt have logged back in eventually. And I find those two platforms very damaging and I'm glad I've cut all ties. In the case of Sunlighter he doesn't want his account any more, he's asked for it to be deleted, and it should be. I also think people should stop piling on him, they may have very different views but we don't know the whole story with him, or his situation. It's easy for the mob to pile on when someone sticks their neck out. I agree with him on masks, and think our freedoms have been eroded. If admin can delete his account then it's best all round. Anyways, I've said my piece.
I'm not sure anyone has a major problem with his and your view about it eroding freedoms. Going about it the way he did though, that's another story.
Under GDPR a request to delete an account has to be actioned to be fair. And this includes all IP addresses and any other personal data.
Seems right to me. Account and personal information removed and all posts stripped of the username and any other identifying information.
Point is mate, he asked for account to be deleted and months later he's still here. Can anyone answer the account deletion question? Maybe it is a Hotel California situation as someone mentioned earlier