Something occurred to me earlier; Boris, Patel etc having a go at the England for taking the knee at the beginning of the tournament clearly expected no success. This is the party of flag sha ggers constantly calling us out for being unpatriotic literally betting on us to fail. A bunch of overpaid Marxists who don’t know their place. Think about that a while.
Nothing about this party surprises me especially the unashamed glutton and disregard for rules or etiquette whilst they or their family and friends pilfer the state purse for no or very little service and in lots of cases damaging the service or dept in the process . What irks me is the blue rinse and beer belly brigade who are now retired who got their rewards through Unions formed and armed by the previous generation and are now voting in these absolute brigands who are kicking and stripping g the rights of the younger generation. Talk about pulling the ladder up !
Looking forward to the players and staff either turning down the invite to Downing Street or, when getting there, taking the knee outside.
Yep they should turn down any invite. By going they legitimise this shower of murdering charlatans. Look at how the blonde shopping tolley used the NHS nurse who cared for him last year. She's since resigned from her position.
What did occur to me was that with many national sides choosing not to take the knee many of those players will play in the Premier league and have been doing so. So is it a individual decision or a team one? Was just a passing thought, I don't really care either way if the players do it or not to be honest.
Lost its meaning? How? Tell you what. Instead of taking the knee how about the players change it up a bit and before the final they all take the Bruce instead.
Obviously completely lost on you but if you actually watched what happened last night England took the knee and the Danish players applauded them vigorously for doing so. Far from being an empty gesture it was actually a brief but compelling expression by both sets of players. I imagine Denmark chose not to take the knee themselves because their starting 11 were all white.
Kneeling a few seconds before a game doesn't change much. If the idea still worked everyone would still be doing it when many teams have stopped. We could put a twenty minute video on social media to support it. Pop posters up around Oakwell. Have a banner for it in our stadium. Have a page in our home programmes next season asking a different member of Oakwell staff what it means to them.
How? I don't think that's for you to decide. Ask any of the England players, who have stated unequivocally and in simple terms why they're making the gesture, whether they think taking the knee has lost its meaning.
I'm prepared to have a few arguments at Oakwell, there are some serious racists among our crowd. Unfortunately, it has got to the stage where if teams stop taking the knee then the racists will see that as a victory, and the thought of that makes me feel sick.
Do you think taking the knee means these suggestions can't be implemented? I'd like to believe that people who are booing are doing so because they want further action to be taken and they believe taking the knee is a hollow gesture. Not sure I do though.
Rubbish mate, England would perform much better as a Leninist co-operative complete with a Maoist Red Army-style Millitia. Only my opinion though.
I think those booing the knee are probably racist and I hope when the season starts any booing is drowned out by cheers. First away game at Cardiff we take the knee. First home game against Coventry we take the knee. What we don't know either because clubs don't do anything or because they don't promote it is what they are doing to raise awareness of racial injustice between those two games of kneeling for about five seconds.